vapor-community / mongo-provider

MongoDB Provider for Vapor
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Referencing other object id #14

Open truemetal opened 7 years ago

truemetal commented 7 years ago

This is more of a question with a potential of becoming a feature request.

This code:

var post = Post(userId: Node(!, content: content)

Produces this:


This code:

var post = Post(userId: Node(["$oid" :!]), content: content)

Produces this:


But how do I achieve this?

tanner0101 commented 7 years ago

Node doesn't have an identifier type so I don't think it's possible to do through the Fluent API currently.

We'd need to decide on some method for signaling an object id (perhaps oid: before the string?)

As a workaround, you can do (database.driver as? MongoDriver)?.raw(...)

vzsg commented 7 years ago

Most Mongo commands use $something as object keys to separate them from JSON data. I think it would be a clean strategy for the driver to do the same, and @truemetal's example code (from "This code:") should work automatically.

tanner0101 commented 7 years ago

@vzsg that seems like a great solution

ankurp commented 6 years ago

I have a sample application where a ShoppingList model has many Item objects. When I create an Item with the shopping_list_id, then the shopping list model is not able to query to fetch all items that it owns. Here is the repo which has the code

Does Mongo Provider support parent child relation and is it able to query all children from the database?