vapor-community / vapor-aws-lambda-runtime

Run your Vapor api server on AWS Lambda using the official Swift Server runtime.
Apache License 2.0
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Returning Protobuf binary data seems to truncate in AWS #20

Open skela opened 1 year ago

skela commented 1 year ago

Have managed to get a nice API proof of concept for JSON responses, but having a hard time doing it for protobuf data.

Already wrote the code to have my vapor API return protobuf data with the appropriate contentType of "application/protobuf" based on whether the client sends an Accept header with application/protobuf, all that works when I run my vapor API locally (both running via docker or just swift run).

But trying to make use of that when the service is running in AWS doesn't work.

After a bit of poking around, I've figured out that the aws RestApi declaration in AWS needed a declaration for "binary_media_types".

For example: binary_media_types=["application/protobuf"]

But it still does not work.

As far as I can tell, it might just require a modification to check the contentType for application/protobuf before creating the APIGateway Response, in these files here:

Just wanted to raise it as a possible feature request, think it would be pretty cool. If its already possible to get this working somehow, then I would greatly appreciate any hints or information that might help.

Thanks for making such an awesome library !