vapor-ware / sctl

SCTL is not End2End encryption, instead SCTL is more of an envelope, in which you store secrets until they are needed, and those secrets should only remain available in plain text while the operation that needs them is active.
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

update help strings for more consistent output formatting #39

Closed edaniszewski closed 5 years ago

edaniszewski commented 5 years ago

This PR:

it should change

   add      add secret
   decrypt  Decrypt an encrypted secret
   encrypt  Encrypt a secret for copy/paste without storing in state
   list     list known secrets
   rekey    Re-encrypt a statefile to a new key-version
   rm       Delete a secret from state
   run      run a command with secrets exported as env
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command


   add      Add secret
   decrypt  Decrypt an encrypted secret
   encrypt  Encrypt a secret for copy/paste without storing in state
   list     List known secrets
   rekey    Re-encrypt a statefile to a new key-version
   rm       Delete a secret from state
   run      Run a command with secrets exported as env
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command