vapor / core

🌎 Utility package containing tools for byte manipulation, Codable, OS APIs, and debugging.
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ReflectionKeyedDecoder.decode() is not returning the "truthy" value when the context is active #200

Open usatie opened 5 years ago

usatie commented 5 years ago

I think when the context is active, it should return the reflected.1. However currently it returns reflected.0.

    func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: K) throws -> T where T : Decodable {
        if nextIsOptional {
            context.addProperty(type: T?.self, at: codingPath + [key])
            nextIsOptional = false
        } else {
            context.addProperty(type: T.self, at: codingPath + [key])
        if let type = T.self as? AnyReflectionDecodable.Type, let reflected = try? type.anyReflectDecoded() {
            if context.isActive {
                context.activeCodingPath = codingPath + [key]
                return reflected.0 as! T
            return reflected.1 as! T
        } else {
            let decoder = ReflectionDecoder(codingPath: codingPath + [key], context: context)
            return try T(from: decoder)

The default implementation of ReflectionDecodable sets the .0 to be falsy value and .1 to be truthy value. eg.

extension Bool: ReflectionDecodable {
    /// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
    public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Bool, Bool) { return (false, true) }

extension FixedWidthInteger {
    /// See `ReflectionDecodable.reflectDecoded()` for more information.
    public static func reflectDecoded() -> (Self, Self) { return (0, 1) }