vapor / fluent

Vapor ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases
MIT License
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Fluent does not raise error in database connection, when passed with wrong credentials. #706

Open mauliknshah opened 3 years ago

mauliknshah commented 3 years ago

I'm using the Fluent as a library independently of vapor, and trying to connect to database using the following simple code:

// Assume that the 'databases', 'logger', and 'eventloop' objects are initialized correctly.
// The connectionString has a wrong set of credentials, but forms a valid postgres connection string. 
do  {
            try databases.use(.postgres(url: connectionString), as: .psql)
            database = databases.database(.psql, logger: logger, on:
        } catch {
            throw error

Now, in case of correct credentials, the database connects without any issues. On the other hand, if the database credentials are wrong, the databases.use does not throw any error.

For now, I have found a temporary workaround as follows:

do {
            try databases.use(.postgres(url: connectionString), as: .psql)
            database = databases.database(.psql, logger: logger, on:
            // Note: Fluent does not throw error with wrong credentials.
            // Temporary workaround.
            guard let postgres = database as? PostgresDatabase else {
                //Throw some error. 
            _ = try postgres.simpleQuery("SELECT 1").wait()
        catch {
            throw error

Could you please correct the fluent API to test connection in the use call, and throw error if the database is not being able to connect?