vapor / fluent

Vapor ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases
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How to compare Date? #738

Closed iWECon closed 2 years ago

iWECon commented 2 years ago


  final class Record: Model {
      static var schema: String = "records"

      @ID(key: .id)
      var id: UUID?

      @Field(key: "name")
      var name: String

      @Timestamp(key: "date", on: .create, format: .default)
      var date: Date?

      @Field(key: "times")
      var times: Int

      init() { }

      init(name: String) {
 = name


let date = Date()

try await Record.query(db: req.db)
                .filter(\.$date == date) // can't compare

Can't compare date, and I saw the log, the $date bind property is Optional...

[ DEBUG ] SELECT "records"."id" AS "records_id", "records"."name" AS "records_name", "records"."date" AS "records_date", "records"."times" AS "records_times" FROM "records" WHERE "records"."name" = $1 AND "records"."date" = $2 LIMIT 1 ["AppleReleaseNotesCron", Optional(2022-04-10 15:21:00 +0000)] [database-id: server-health] (FluentPostgresDriver/FluentPostgresDatabase.swift:29)

⚠️ ["AppleReleaseNotesCron", Optional(2022-04-10 15:21:00 +0000)]

I found a way to use, but I think it is very inconvenient to use:

.filter(\.$date == .custom("'\(date)'"))

Is there any other way to handle properly?

iWECon commented 2 years ago


0xTim commented 2 years ago
let date = Date()

try await Record.query(db: req.db)
                .filter(\.$date == date) // can't compare

Should work. Have you got import Fluent in the file?

iWECon commented 2 years ago

@0xTim Yes, I got import Fluent in the file.


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0xTim commented 2 years ago

What does your migration look like?

iWECon commented 2 years ago

of course,

Record Model:

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Record Migration:

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ReleaseNotes Model:

CleanShot 2022-04-12 at 00 15 44@2x

ReleaseNotes Migration:

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I saw the docs:

0xTim commented 2 years ago

In the migration you should be using .datetime and not .date

iWECon commented 2 years ago


But I have a new problem, I changed it from .date to .datetime and ran vapor run migrate, nothing happened.

❯ vapor run migrate

Building for debugging...
[12/12] Linking Run
Build complete! (3.96s)
Migrate Command: Prepare
No new migrations.


I tried:

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0xTim commented 2 years ago

Migrations will be run more than once. There's no way for Vapor to know how the user wants to convert existing data. So you either need to wipe the DB and start from scratch (recommended), do it manually (not recommended) or write a new migration to change the column type (which you should do if you have existing data you can't lose or recreate easily

iWECon commented 2 years ago

OK, I got it.

thank you ~

iWECon commented 2 years ago

I have an idea:

Is it possible to save the information of prepare to the _fluent_migrations table?

If possible, we will be able to compare new data with old data in the table(_fluent_migrations) next time.

0xTim commented 2 years ago

That's a lot of random information to store and compare. One day it may be possible to automate but for now it's how it is

0xTim commented 2 years ago

Is your problem now fixed?

iWECon commented 2 years ago

It seems that there is no repair, the problem still exists @0xTim

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I have deleted data and recreated using migrate.

fluent logger:

[ DEBUG ] SELECT "release_notes"."id" AS "release_notes_id", "release_notes"."tech_id" AS "release_notes_tech_id", "release_notes"."version_id" AS "release_notes_version_id", "release_notes"."name" AS "release_notes_name", "release_notes"."path" AS "release_notes_path", "release_notes"."date" AS "release_notes_date" FROM "release_notes" WHERE "release_notes"."date" = $1 LIMIT 1 [Optional(2022-04-11 17:00:57 +0000)] [database-id: apple, request-id: 4787E8CE-6937-4223-827C-77B10F8BCA18] (FluentPostgresDriver/FluentPostgresDatabase.swift:29)
0xTim commented 2 years ago

You're comparing exact times, including milliseconds. It's highly likely it's just failing because no record exists for that exact time. Try writing a query to search for a date range (date less than and greater than etc) instead

iWECon commented 2 years ago

I only need to compare the year, month and day, the hours, minutes and seconds can be ignored.

iWECon commented 2 years ago

Ok, use the accurate time to work properly, but this is not what I want.😂

iWECon commented 2 years ago

do you mean use date >= 00:00:00 and <= 23:59:59. If this is, I think .date is more suitable for my needs.

iWECon commented 2 years ago

so be it, I'm going to sleep... have a happy day for you~

0xTim commented 2 years ago

There's no native way in Swift to store just a date, which makes things awkward. What you could do is a raw query value, or custom query or use calendar to get the start and end of a day.

The final option is a new custom type DateOnly that works with the DB and Swift but that's a lot of work

iWECon commented 2 years ago

uhhh, I found a related issue: fluent-kit/issues/273 but it was discussed in 2018-2020, I'm not sure if the feature was done at that time. (I'm busy with other things now, I'll keep reading about it when I'm free)

0xTim commented 2 years ago

Yeah there's been no movement due to no native Swift type. I'm going to close this in favour of that issue, so feel free to comment on that issue. (I'm assuming the underlying issue of comparing dates is solved, you either need to use date time and a date range or a raw query value