vapor / sql-kit

*️⃣ Build SQL queries in Swift. Extensible, protocol-based design that supports DQL, DML, and DDL.
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Add Model Macro for `select`, `insert`, `drop` #171

Closed zunda-pixel closed 12 months ago

zunda-pixel commented 12 months ago

Adds a new Model attribute.

Model attribute is Swift Macro. Model attribute adds columnsName: [String], values: [any Encodable], Modelable, Decodable.


struct User {
  var firstName: String
  var lastName: String

  var fullName: String { "\(fullName) \(lastName)" }

  var age: Int

  var other: String

Inline Macro

struct User {
  var firstName: String
  var lastName: String
  var fullName: String { "\\(fullName) \\(lastName)" }

  var age: Int

  var other: String

  static public var columnNames: [String] {
    ["firstName", "lastName", "age"]

  public var values: [any Encodable] {
    [self.firstName, self.lastName, self.age]

extension User : Modelable, Decodable {
0xTim commented 12 months ago

Hi @zunda-pixel, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately we're not able to accept this pull request. There are a number of issues with it, the main ones being that this additional functionality is out of scope for what SQLKit aims to achieve and the @Model macro is going to cause significant issues with Fluent's Model protocol (not to mentioned we still support Swift 5.7 and 5.8).

Any significant changes like this need to be discussed first so we can flesh out scope, API and functionality. The best option is to create an issue or post in Vapor's #development or #fluent-5 channels on Discord (since this kind of macro is something that would be better suited to FluentKit and something we already have planned).