varenius / salsa

Code developed for the 2.3m radio telescopes SALSA in Onsala, Sweden
MIT License
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Use astropy to calculate velocity corrections? #42

Open varenius opened 6 years ago

varenius commented 6 years ago

From the astropy tutorial at it seems one can use astropy to calculate radial velocity corrections. This may be preferred to the current calculation of VLSR corrections in SALSA. Astropy example:

from astropy.time import Time obstime = Time('2017-2-14') target = SkyCoord.from_name('M31')
keck = EarthLocation.of_site('Keck')
target.radial_velocity_correction(obstime=obstime, location=keck).to('km/s')
<Quantity -22.359784554780255 km / s>

Perhaps worth investigating for SALSA code. It would be good to use more astropy functions in general instead of custom or other libraries.

varenius commented 3 years ago

This may be re-considered (or ignored) for the Web-based UI, see #50.