varghes / BeagleboneBlack-QNX-QT

Beaglebone black (AM335X ) HDMI (TDA19988) QNX QT
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Password and username #3

Open LucasBBS59 opened 3 years ago

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

Hello, what is the username and the password of your prebuilt image ? I'm in read-only mode... Thank you

varghes commented 3 years ago

Hi, I think you dont need any password (root , no password ), Have you flashed the Image ? How you are connecting serial or Ethernet ? may be you can paste the screenshot here.

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

I tried root,no password in my FTP file tranfer software (Filezilla) and I can't login. I put MLO + u-boot and your prebuilt image on the SD card and booted the image. I saw your HDMI initalizating but I can't login with full rights. Do you want screens?

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

I'm connected in serial(commands, u-boot, etc) and in ethernet (for file transfer)

varghes commented 3 years ago

Refer this build file ... try username : ftp

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

With ftp, I cannot delete, modify files and have only access to /tmp image

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

In fact, I'm trying to add scripts that could make GPIO work but I can't load it because I need to put librairies in /usr/lib. Moreover, do you know how to make GPIO work ? I would like to activate outputs but I don't know how

varghes commented 3 years ago

OS Image(.bin) is loaded to RAM and its booting from RAM Disk . So its Read only. You can do read/write on mmc or usb stick

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

So I can't modify files in usr/lib ? I don't know how to take into account my lib. When I try to build your BSP, I have the same problem as this one :

" Jumping to QNX

System page at phys:80011000 user:fc404000 kern:fc404000 Starting next program at vfe046604 cpu_startnext: cpu0 -> fe046604 VFPv3: fpsid=410330c3 coproc_attach(10): replacing fe07601c with fe0758bc coproc_attach(11): replacing fe07601c with fe0758bc Welcome to QNX Neutrino 6.5.0 SP1 on the Texas Instruments BeagleBone (ARMv7 Cortex-A8 core) - Board

Shutdown[0,0] S/C/F=11/1/11 C/D=fe01c68c/fe099ff4 state(c0)= now lock QNX Version 6.5.0 Release 2010/07/09-14:26:46EDT [0]PID-TID=1-6? P/T FL=00019001/05020000 "proc/boot/procnto-instr" [0]ASPACE PID=2 PF=00008012 armle context[effe8f4c]: 0000: 8ffb2000 8ffb2000 8ffb2c01 00000181 effccbf8 01000000 00000000 fc004000 0020: fc004000 effdf47c 01072fff 00000008 00000000 effe8f90 fe046878 fe040e0c 0040: 60000013 instruction[fe040e0c]: 06 30 98 e7 1c 20 94 e5 11 00 12 e3 00 70 94 15 18 20 9d 15 07 70 82 11 0c 00 stack[effe8f90]: 0000: effe8fbc e18a1000 00000000 efffb348 effca00c 003fffff 00000a6e e1988160 0020: 8ffb2000 fffff000 00000000 00000007 00000040 effccbf8 fe099ff0 01000000 0040: 000000ff efff0090 00000073 0000008d effca6e8 fe044744 effccbf8 fe044ad0 0060: efffb348 fe069bac efffb348 fe071e30 effe9018 00000000 00000000 00000000ÿ"

I compile with QNX 6.5.0 SP1 ...

varghes commented 3 years ago

QNX 6.5.0 SP1 , fine .. Give a full clean & rebuild . use build script to add your file (usr/lib). edit here

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

When I rebuild your BSP, I can't boot the image because I have the error message I sent before in the log console

varghes commented 3 years ago

you are using this utility to copy MLO file ? "TI_SDCard_boot_utility_v1_0.exe . OS version? XP/Win7 /win10 ?

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

Yes I am using it. OS : Win10.

If I send you the librairies I developped, could you try to build the image ? You could add it to your github then

Edit : If you know how to activate GPIO pins and that you have functionnal librairies I would take them ^^

varghes commented 3 years ago

I was using Win XP [Virtual Machine] to copy the MLO [one time, at the begining ] , latest Windows versions add hidden files as soon as you format SD card. MLO should be the first file to be copied by that utility. I may have GPIO libraries, you can share it to my mail id. I will give a try tomorrow.

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

I sent you the .c GPIO lib, thank you for your help I'm struggling with it for a while !

varghes commented 3 years ago

yaa got it. I will check and come back.

LucasBBS59 commented 3 years ago

I just remembered that you have to change the mode settings of the GPIO in the pinmux file in order to make I/O work. Could you please change all the GPIO Mode to 7 (but let the HDMI works). I've been testing for 3 hours and it is not possible to change the pinmux mode settings after compiling the image...

varghes commented 3 years ago

i shared you the prebuild qnx files from qnx site , it works here , check if you can boot with that.