varguiniano / HebersAdventure

Pokemon Héber's Adventure
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The Steam Stone should trigger a new evolution method that joins stones and holding objects #25

Open varguiniano opened 7 years ago

varguiniano commented 7 years ago

This is probably due to the return -1 in line 935 of the Script "Pokemon_Evolution" though it may be possible to be changed in the pbTradeCheckEvolution(pokemon,item) function, which I haven't located yet. Anyhow, it's quite annoying that this stone does not work exactly like the others. Rewriting trade evolutions to another type may nor be a bad idea after all.

This is the tutoral I followed to create the trigger for trade evolutions.

varguiniano commented 7 years ago

The pbTradeCheckEvolution(pokemon,item) appears to be in line 221 on the script "PScreen_Trading" and does seem to call pbCheckEvolutionEx(pokemon) in line 966 of "Pokemon_Evolution", we may be able to tweak something here.

varguiniano commented 7 years ago

All the check evolution functions in "Pokemon_Evolution" are called internally and do not display anything on screen, that is actually handled by the items themselves. That means the easiest way to fix the bug is to make the Steam Stone a normal evolving stone and rewrite the trade evolutions in the pokemon pbs.

varguiniano commented 7 years ago

Some pokemon need to hold an item to be able to evolve through trading. This means a normal stone evolution will not work. We probably need to create a new evolution method. The effort needed for this is probably not worth the results. At least at this stage of development. For now, we will leave the Steam Stone (or whichever its final name will be) as a trigger for trade evolution.