variar / klogg

Really fast log explorer based on glogg project
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asn name resolution fails how to configure? #696

Open symgryph opened 9 months ago

symgryph commented 9 months ago

I added these to my .toml file but they fail. Do I need to do lookups?


# Sample config file for Trippy.
# Copy this template config file to your platform specific config dir.
# Trippy will attempt to locate a `trippy.toml` or `.trippy.toml` config file
# in one of the following locations:
#   the current directory
#   the user home directory
#   the XDG config directory (Unix only): `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` or `~/.config`
#   the Windows data directory (Windows only): `%APPDATA%`
# You may override the config file name and location by passing the `-c`
# (`--config-file`) command line argument.
# All sections and all items within each section are non-mandatory.

# General Trippy configuration.

# The Trippy mode.
# Allowed values are:
#   tui         - Display interactive Tui [default]
#   stream      - Display a continuous stream of tracing data
#   pretty      - Generate an pretty text table report for N cycles
#   markdown    - Generate a markdown text table report for N cycles
#   csv         - Generate a CSV report for N cycles
#   json        - Generate a JSON report for N cycles
#   dot         - Generate a Graphviz DOT report for N cycles
#   flows       - Display all flows
#   silent      - Do not generate any output for N cycles
mode = "tui"

# Trace without requiring elevated privileges [default: false]
# Enabling will cause IPPROTO_ICMP sockets to be used.
# Note: not supported on all platforms.
unprivileged = false

# How to format log data.
# Allowed values are:
#  compact      - Display log data in a compact format
#  pretty       - Display log data in a pretty format [default]
#  json         - Display log data in a json format
#  chrome       - Display log data in Chrome trace format
log-format = "pretty"

# The debug log filter [default: trippy=debug]
log-filter = "trippy=debug"

# How to log event spans.
# Allowed values are:
#  off          - Do not display event spans [default]
#  active       - Display enter and exit event spans
#  full         - Display all event spans
log-span-events = "off"

# Tracing strategy configuration.

# The tracing protocol.
# Allowed values are:
#   icmp [default]
#   udp
#   tcp
protocol = "icmp"

# The address family.
# Allowed values are:
#   ipv4 [default]
#   ipv6
addr-family = "ipv4"

# The target port (TCP & UDP only) [default: 80]
# Applicable for TCP and UDP protocols only.
#target-port = 80

# The source port (TCP & UDP only) [default: auto]
# Applicable for TCP and UDP protocols only.
#source-port = 1234

# The source IP address [default: auto]
# If unspecified the source address will be chosen automatically based on the tracing target.
#source-address = ""

# The network interface [default: auto]
# If not specified the interface is chosen based on the source-address.
#interface = "en0"

# The minimum duration of every round [default: 1s]
# The minimum time that must elapse before a tracing round is considered
# complete, regardless of whether the target is discovered or not.
min-round-duration = "1s"

# The maximum duration of every round [default: 1s]
# The maximum time that may elapse before a tracing round is considered
# complete, regardless of whether the target is discovered or not.
max-round-duration = "1s"

# The round grace period [default: 100ms]
# The period of time to wait for additional probe responses after the target
# has responded.
grace-duration = "100ms"

# The initial sequence number [default: 33000]
initial-sequence = 33000

# The Equal-cost Multi-Path routing strategy (UDP only)
# Allowed value are:
#   classic - The src or dest port is used to store the sequence number [default]
#   paris   - The UDP `checksum` field is used to store the sequence number
#   dublin  - The IP `identifier` field is used to store the sequence number
# See for more details.
multipath-strategy = "classic"

# The maximum number of in-flight ICMP echo requests [default: 24]
# The tracing strategy operates a sliding window protocol and will allow a
# maximum number of probes to be inflight (sent, and not received or lost)
# at any given time.
max-inflight = 24

# The TTL to start from [default: 1]
first-ttl = 1

# The maximum number of TTL hops [default: 64]
max-ttl = 64

# The size of IP packet to send [default: 84]
# For icmp this is the sum of the IP header, ICMP header and the payload.
# Trippy will adjust the size of the payload to fill up to the packet size.
packet-size = 84

# The repeating pattern in the payload of the ICMP packet [default: 0]
payload-pattern = 0

# The TOS IP header value (TCP and UDP only) [default: 0]
# This is also known as DSCP+ECN.
tos = 0

# Whether to parse ICMP extensions.
# If enabled, all extensions attached to incoming ICMP TimeExceeded and DestinationUnavailable messages will be parsed
# and provided as part of the trace response data.
# The following ICMP Extension Object Classes are supported:
#   1 - MPLS Label Stack Class (RFC4950)
# Extension objects with an unknown class will be parsed to capture generic information including the class, subtype,
# length and payload bytes.
icmp-extensions = false

# The socket read timeout [default: 10ms]
read-timeout = "10ms"

# DNS configuration.

# How DNS queries are resolved
# Allowed values are:
#   system      - Resolve using the OS resolver [default]
#   resolv      - Resolve using the `/etc/resolv.conf` DNS configuration
#   google      - Resolve using the Google `` DNS service
#   cloudflare  - Resolve using the Cloudflare `` DNS service
dns-resolve-method = "system"

# Trace to all IPs resolved from DNS lookup (ICMP only) [default: false]
# When set to true a trace will be started for all IPs resolved for all given targets.
# When set to false a trace will be started for one arbitrarily chosen IP per given target.
dns-resolve-all = false

# Whether to lookup AS information [default: false]
# If enabled, AS (autonomous system) information is retrieved during DNS
# queries.
dns-lookup-as-info = false

# The maximum time to wait to perform DNS queries [default: 5s]
dns-timeout = "5s"

# Report generation configuration.

# The number of report cycles to run [default: 10]
# Only applicable for modes pretty, markdown, csv and json.
report-cycles = 10

# General Tui Configuration.

# How to render addresses.
# Allowed values are:
#   ip - Show IP address only
#   host - Show reverse-lookup DNS hostname only [default]
#   both - Show both IP address and reverse-lookup DNS hostname
tui-address-mode = "host"

# How to render AS information.
# Allowed values are:
#   asn             - Show the ASN [default]
#   prefix          - Display the AS prefix
#   country-code    - Display the country code
#   registry        - Display the registry name
#   allocated       - Display the allocated date
#   name            - Display the AS name
tui-as-mode = "asn"

# How to render ICMP extensions
#   off             - Do not show icmp extensions [default]
#   mpls            - Show MPLS label(s) only
#   full            - Show full icmp extension data for all known extensions
#   all             - Show full icmp extension data for all classes
tui-icmp-extension-mode = "off"

# How to render GeoIp information.
# Allowed values are:
#   off - Do not show GeoIp information [default]
#   short - Show short format GeoIp information
#   long - Show long format GeoIp information
#   location - Show latitude and Longitude format GeoIp information
tui-geoip-mode = "off"

# The maximum number of addresses to show per hop [default: auto]
# Use a zero value for `auto`.
tui-max-addrs = 0

# The maximum number of samples to record per hop [default: 256]
tui-max-samples = 256

# The maximum number of flows to show [default: 40]
tui-max-flows = 64

# Whether to preserve the screen on exit [default: false]
tui-preserve-screen = false

# The Tui refresh rate [default: 100ms]
tui-refresh-rate = "100ms"

# The maximum ttl of hops which will be masked for privacy [default: 1]
tui-privacy-max-ttl = 0

# Tui color theme configure.
# The allowed colors values are:
#   Black, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Gray, DarkGray, LightRed,
#   LightGreen, LightYellow, LightBlue, LightMagenta, LightCyan, White
# Color names are case-insensitive and may contain dashes. Raw hex values,
# such as ffffff for white, may also be used.
# See for details.
bg-color = "black"
border-color = "gray"
text-color = "gray"
tab-text-color = "green"
hops-table-header-bg-color = "white"
hops-table-header-text-color = "black"
hops-table-row-active-text-color = "gray"
hops-table-row-inactive-text-color = "darkgray"
hops-chart-selected-color = "green"
hops-chart-unselected-color = "gray"
hops-chart-axis-color = "darkgray"
frequency-chart-bar-color = "green"
frequency-chart-text-color = "gray"
flows-chart-bar-selected-color = "green"
flows-chart-bar-unselected-color = "darkgray"
flows-chart-text-current-color = "lightgreen"
flows-chart-text-non-current-color = "white"
samples-chart-color = "yellow"
help-dialog-bg-color = "blue"
help-dialog-text-color = "gray"
settings-dialog-bg-color = "blue"
settings-tab-text-color = "green"
settings-table-header-text-color = "black"
settings-table-header-bg-color = "white"
settings-table-row-text-color = "gray"
map-world-color = "white"
map-radius-color = "yellow"
map-selected-color = "green"
map-info-panel-border-color = "gray"
map-info-panel-bg-color = "black"
map-info-panel-text-color = "gray"

# Tui key bindings Configuration.
# The supported modifiers are: shift, ctrl, alt, super, hyper & meta. Multiple
# modifiers may be specified, for example ctrl+shift+b.
# See for details.
toggle-help = "h"
toggle-help-alt = "?"
toggle-settings = "s"
next-hop = "down"
previous-hop = "up"
next-trace = "right"
previous-trace = "left"
next-hop-address = "."
previous-hop-address = ","
address-mode-ip = "i"
address-mode-host = "n"
address-mode-both = "b"
toggle-freeze = "ctrl+f"
toggle-chart = "c"
toggle-map = "m"
toggle-flows = "f"
toggle-privacy = "p"
expand-hosts = "]"
expand-hosts-max = "}"
contract-hosts = "["
contract-hosts-min = "{"
chart-zoom-in = "="
chart-zoom-out = "-"
clear-trace-data = "ctrl+r"
clear-dns-cache = "ctrl+k"
clear-selection = "esc"
toggle-as-info = "z"
toggle-hop-details = "d"
quit = "q"