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Current behavior
The default column constraint is not being generated for any table by using the following:
var destTableResults = targetConnection.GetDatabaseSchema();
var destTable = destTableResults.TableNodes.First();
var inccorectCreateTableSql= destTable.GetDropAndCreateDdl();
For the SQL statement which creates the default column value constraint to be present when calling GetDropAndCreateDdl.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
Assuming the first table returned has a default value defined for a column.
var destTableResults = targetConnection.GetDatabaseSchema();
var destTable = destTableResults.TableNodes.First();
var inccorectCreateTableSql= destTable.GetDropAndCreateDdl();
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
When building my staging environment I do not want to drop and create the tables if the definition is the same. When I compare the DropAndCreateDdl statement that is generated from my in memory model where I manually code the column default value, it does not equal the DropAndCreateDdl statment of the GetDatabaseSchema generated model because of the missing constraint statement. The same table was created using the in memory model GetDropAndCreateDdl.
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Current behavior
The default column constraint is not being generated for any table by using the following:
var destTableResults = targetConnection.GetDatabaseSchema(); var destTable = destTableResults.TableNodes.First(); var inccorectCreateTableSql= destTable.GetDropAndCreateDdl();
Table Def in SQL:
CREATE TABLE [dbo_Errors].[address]( [tenant_id] [DECIMAL](18, 0) NOT NULL, [address_id] [DECIMAL](18, 0) NOT NULL, [name] NVARCHAR NULL, [address] NVARCHAR NULL, [second_address] NVARCHAR NULL, [third_address] NVARCHAR NULL, [city] NVARCHAR NULL, [state_prov] NVARCHAR NULL, [zippost] NVARCHAR NULL, [country] NVARCHAR NULL, [phone] NVARCHAR NULL, [geocode_lat] [DECIMAL](28, 10) NULL, [geocode_long] [DECIMAL](28, 10) NULL, [active] NVARCHAR NULL, [modified_dttm] [DATETIME] NULL, [created_dttm] [DATETIME] NULL, [DateTimeStamp] [DATETIME] NOT NULL, [CT_Operation] NVARCHAR NOT NULL, [ErrorSource] VARCHAR NOT NULL, [ErrorColumnName] VARCHAR NULL, [ErrorDescription] VARCHAR NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
ALTER TABLE [dbo_Errors].[address] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_address_DateTimeStamp] DEFAULT (GETDATE()) FOR [DateTimeStamp] GO
GetDropAndCreateDdl generated code for same table:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo_Errors].[address]') AND type IN (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo_Errors].[address] GO
CREATE TABLE [dbo_Errors].[address] ( -- Columns Definition [tenant_id] decimal(18,0) NOT NULL , [address_id] decimal(18,0) NOT NULL , [name] nvarchar(128) , [address] nvarchar(64) , [second_address] nvarchar(64) , [third_address] nvarchar(64) , [city] nvarchar(64) , [state_prov] nvarchar(32) , [zippost] nvarchar(64) , [country] nvarchar(32) , [phone] nvarchar(32) , [geocode_lat] decimal(28,10) , [geocode_long] decimal(28,10) , [active] nvarchar(1) , [modified_dttm] datetime , [created_dttm] datetime , [DateTimeStamp] datetime NOT NULL , [CT_Operation] nvarchar(1) NOT NULL , [ErrorSource] varchar(50) NOT NULL , [ErrorColumnName] varchar(500) , [ErrorDescription] varchar(500)
-- Constraints
Expected behavior
For the SQL statement which creates the default column value constraint to be present when calling GetDropAndCreateDdl.
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
Assuming the first table returned has a default value defined for a column. var destTableResults = targetConnection.GetDatabaseSchema(); var destTable = destTableResults.TableNodes.First(); var inccorectCreateTableSql= destTable.GetDropAndCreateDdl();
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
When building my staging environment I do not want to drop and create the tables if the definition is the same. When I compare the DropAndCreateDdl statement that is generated from my in memory model where I manually code the column default value, it does not equal the DropAndCreateDdl statment of the GetDatabaseSchema generated model because of the missing constraint statement. The same table was created using the in memory model GetDropAndCreateDdl.