varkor / quiver

A modern commutative diagram editor for the web.
MIT License
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Export equations? (feature request) #82

Open benjamin-macadam opened 3 years ago

benjamin-macadam commented 3 years ago

This app is fantastically useful. Would it be possible to export labelled equations rather than math-mode diagrams for those who like to reference diagrams using \ref or \cref?

varkor commented 3 years ago

Could you give an example? Do you mean that \begin{tikzcd} ... \end{tikzcd} would be wrapped inside a \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}, or do you mean you have a 1-dimensional diagram that you want to export (e.g. using \rightarrow instead of TikZ arrows)?

benjamin-macadam commented 3 years ago

Yes - wrapping up the diagram in a \begin{equation}\label{-} ... \end{equation} rather than the math-mode \[ ...\]. (And perhaps a text field for the label?)

varkor commented 3 years ago

For now, you could write \begin{equation}\label{-} ... \end{equation} in LaTeX first, and then paste the diagram inside (unchecking the "Centre diagram" checkbox). Perhaps it would be worth adding this feature to quiver itself, but I'm not sure how much value it adds compared to the extra complexity in having more options.

benjamin-macadam commented 3 years ago

Totally fair!

varkor commented 3 years ago

I'm going to leave this issue open so that others can leave feedback if they also think it would be particularly useful.