the indoor GOOG maps are now displaying on the app! wonderful!
and GOOG has added many airports: there are now 82 worldwide (14 countries) with 23 in US, 23 in Spain, 8 in UK, 8 in Japan, 5 in Brazil, etc. they show gates and some other locations. wonderful!
several of our custom maps now have a GOOG indoor map also available, ex., SFO, MIA, ATL, etc. we need to decide which we want to use.
but we need to make it easier for the user. to see the indoor map, the user must zoom in to the terminal - this takes several zooms. they must zoom into the terminal building(s) not the pin which is often on the runway. can the pin be relocated on top of the terminal? there is often more than 1 floor in the terminal which user must select.
we may need to add 'map help' to explain how to use map.
is changing the map to be displayed as simple as going into the DB and changing the IsGoogle field from '0' to '1' ?
the link below indicates google indoor maps are available for iOS: