varmd / wine-wayland

Wine-wayland allows playing DX9/DX11 and Vulkan games using pure wayland and Wine/DXVK.
729 stars 14 forks source link

Additional explanation request #36

Closed 1edenec closed 3 years ago

1edenec commented 3 years ago

Hello. I'm trying to use wine-wayland, but I cannot understand manual. How can I start game? Manual tells me to copy "gamefolder" to "~/.local/share/wineland/" But what "gamefolder" means exactly? Is it folder from usual winebottle? Where can I find this folder? Could you add this additional info to manual?

varmd commented 3 years ago

Hello, It is written in the manual - see

First you create your-game folder - e.g for Subnautica it would be subnautica. This folder is used as a wrapper folder for dxvk/mangohuds downloads and to launch the game from command line. Then you find YourGameFolder folder - e.g for Subnautica it is called Subnautica and for Civ6 it is SidMeiersCivilizationVI. You can get this folder from EGS, Steam or GOG. All of these have native command line downloaders or installers which do not require 32bit libraries.

Then you copy YourGameFolder into the wrapper folder your-game. So for subnautica you copy/move Subnatica folder to ~/.local/share/wineland/subnatica/ and the final path would be ~/.local/share/wineland/subnatica/Subnautica". Then you modify the settings in the browser and launch the game.

1edenec commented 3 years ago

I read manual, and your explanation, but I stil cannot understand. In my case, I have download "Baldure's gate III" form GOG. There are .exe to install game and files *.bin inside this folder. I renamed it to balduresgate and put to ~/.local/share/wineland/ So, now I have game installer inside ~/.local/share/wineland/balduresgate If I start game with $ wineland balduresgate I see

kill: not enough arguments
kill: not enough arguments
Starting balduresgate
/usr/lib/wineland/ui/ line 56: balduresgate/options.conf: No such file or directorykill:  not enough arguments
kill: not enough arguments
Starting balduresgate
/usr/lib/wineland/ui/ line 56: balduresgate/options.conf: No such file or directory

I also tried to put this game files to ~/.local/share/wineland/balduresgate/balduresgate same result.

varmd commented 3 years ago

These exe/bin files is the GOG installer not the game.

You need to use innoextract to extract the GOG installer. Or install lib32-wine-wayland and use the manual at to run the 32bit installer

Then copy the resulting BaldursGate folder to ~/.local/share/wineland/balduresgate. Then you also need to modify the options in the browser as specified in the manual - e.g specify the main BaldursGate exe path.