varnish / hitch

A scalable TLS proxy by Varnish Software.
1.87k stars 157 forks source link

Hitch exit(1) on reload #343

Open xdecock opened 3 years ago

xdecock commented 3 years ago

Expected Behavior

Current Behavior

## Possible Solution
From what i can pinpoint, it looks like The verify_privileges in the start_ocsp is the likely culprit, altough i have no clue how to confirm this or how it can fail.
So if you have any info i can provide I'll gladly help or anything to change.

## Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Currently, wait 1 week.

## Context
Once a week we got one of our 6 hitch instances getting stopped, with for the first time one of our production frontend stopped.

## Your Environment
<!--- Include as many relevant details about the environment you experienced the bug in -->
* Version used: 1.6.1
* Operating System and version: 4.19.0-8-cloud-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.98-1 (2020-01-26) x86_64 GNU/Linux
* Source of binary packages used (if any) : package cloud : hi  hitch                                1.6.1-1~buster              amd64        Hitch TLS proxy
daghf commented 3 years ago

Hi @xdecock

Could you post your hitch.conf and your hitch command line configuration?

xdecock commented 3 years ago


# Example configuration file for hitch(8).
# NOTE: all config file parameters can be overriden
#       from command line!

# Listening address. REQUIRED.
# Can be specified multiple times for multiple listen endpoints.
# type: string
# syntax: [HOST]:PORT[+CERT]
frontend = "[*]:443"

# Upstream server address. REQUIRED.
# type: string
# syntax: [HOST]:PORT.
backend = "[]:6081"

# SSL protocol.
# tls = on
# ssl = off
# tls-protos = TLSv1.0 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3
tls-protos = TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3

# List of allowed SSL ciphers.
# Run openssl ciphers for list of available ciphers.
# type: string

# Future ciphers (when TLSv1.1 is dropped)

# Enforce server cipher list order
# type: boolean
prefer-server-ciphers = on

# Use specified SSL engine
# type: string
ssl-engine = ""

# Number of worker processes
# type: integer
workers = 8

# Listen backlog size
# type: integer
backlog = 250

# TCP socket keepalive interval in seconds
# type: integer
keepalive = 600

# Chroot directory
# type: string
chroot = ""

# Set uid after binding a socket
# type: string
user = "hitch"

# Set gid after binding a socket
# type: string
group = "hitch"

# Quiet execution, report only error messages
# type: boolean
quiet = off

# Use syslog for logging
# type: boolean
syslog = on

# Log chattiness. 0=silence, 1=errors, 2=info/debug.
# type: integer
log-level = 0

# Syslog facility to use
# type: string
syslog-facility = "daemon"

# Run as daemon
# type: boolean
daemon = on

# Report client address by writing IP before sending data
# NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with option write-proxy-v2, write-proxy and proxy-proxy.
# type: boolean
write-ip = off

# Report client address using SENDPROXY protocol, see
# for details.
# NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with option write-proxy-v2, write-ip and proxy-proxy.
# type: boolean
write-proxy-v1 = off

# Report client address using SENDPROXY v2 binary protocol, see
# for details.
# NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with option write-ip, write-proxy-v1 and proxy-proxy.
# type: boolean
write-proxy-v2 = on

# Report the chosen cipher and protocol as part of the PROXYv2 header.
# NOTE: This option is disabled due to the following varnish bug:
# type: boolean
proxy-tlv = off

# Proxy an existing SENDPROXY protocol header through this request.
# NOTE: This option is mutually exclusive with option write-proxy-v2, write-ip and write-proxy-v1.
# type: boolean
proxy-proxy = off

# Abort handshake when the client submits an unrecognized SNI server name.
# type: boolean
sni-nomatch-abort = on

# SSL x509 certificate file. REQUIRED.
# List multiple certs to use SNI. Certs are used in the order they
# are listed; the last cert listed will be used if none of the others match
# type: string
# pem-file=
pem-dir = "{{ hitch_directory_certificates }}"

# Available proto post-tls
# List the http/2 availability, comma separated values
# type:string
# values: h2, http/1.1
alpn-protos = "http/1.1"

# TCP Fast Open
# type: boolen
tcp-fastopen = on

# OCSP settings
# Directory where Hitch will store and read OCSP responses for
# stapling. Directory must be readable and writable for the configured
# hitch user. Setting this option enables automatic retrieval and
# updating of OCSP responses.
ocsp-dir = "/var/lib/hitch-ocsp"

service override:

/usr/sbin/hitch --config /etc/hitch/hitch.conf

xdecock commented 3 years ago

FYI we've got currently 2600 certificates in the directory