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Content transfer takes longer on cache hit #4044

Closed justinhippo closed 3 months ago

justinhippo commented 5 months ago

Expected Behavior

Content transfer time should be similar between cache hits and misses

Current Behavior

After first byte, it takes longer to transfer cached content than non-cached content

Possible Solution

No response

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Clear varnish cache
  2. Make a number of requests to warm the cache, observe the content download timing
  3. Make the same requests again with a warm cache, content download time increases significantly


I'm attempting to use varnish in front of imgproxy to cache resized images and avoid costly resizing when possible, but the time to download content takes much longer when there is a cache hit than miss, diminishing the time savings of using varnish Running a NodeJS test with a cleared cache gives these results image Whereas re-running the test with the cache warmed gives image as average timings for each of 32 requests sent. While varnish is overall faster, it seems unexpected that content transfer time would 2x on cache hit.

Varnish is running in a k8s cluster next to imgproxy and the underlying data store. There is an nginx ingress fronting varnish, though that stays stable between tests. Timing was determined using code from

Full test code (with sensitive data removed (please ignore messy js)) is


'use strict'

const assert = require('assert')
const url = require('url')
const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')

const NS_PER_SEC = 1e9
const MS_PER_NS = 1e6

* Creates a request and collects HTTP timings
* @function request
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} [options.method='GET']
* @param {String} options.protocol
* @param {String} options.hostname
* @param {Number} [options.port]
* @param {String} [options.path]
* @param {Object} [options.headers={}]
* @param {String} [options.body]
* @param {Function} callback
function request ({
  method = 'GET',
  headers = {},
} = {}, callback) {
  // Validation
  assert(protocol, 'options.protocol is required')
  assert(['http:', 'https:'].includes(protocol), 'options.protocol must be one of: "http:", "https:"')
  assert(hostname, 'options.hostname is required')
  assert(callback, 'callback is required')

  // Initialization
  const eventTimes = {
    // use process.hrtime() as it's not a subject of clock drift
    startAt: process.hrtime(),
    dnsLookupAt: undefined,
    tcpConnectionAt: undefined,
    tlsHandshakeAt: undefined,
    firstByteAt: undefined,
    endAt: undefined

  // Making request
  const req = (protocol.startsWith('https') ? https : http).request({
  }, (res) => {
    let responseBody = ''


    // Response events
    res.once('readable', () => {
      eventTimes.firstByteAt = process.hrtime()
    res.on('data', (chunk) => { responseBody += chunk })

    // End event is not emitted when stream is not consumed fully
    // in our case we consume it see: res.on('data')
    res.on('end', () => {
      eventTimes.endAt = process.hrtime()

      callback(null, {
        headers: res.headers,
        timings: getTimings(eventTimes),
        body: responseBody

  // Request events
  req.on('socket', (socket) => {
    socket.on('lookup', () => {
      eventTimes.dnsLookupAt = process.hrtime()
    socket.on('connect', () => {
      eventTimes.tcpConnectionAt = process.hrtime()
    socket.on('secureConnect', () => {
      eventTimes.tlsHandshakeAt = process.hrtime()
    socket.on('timeout', () => {

      const err = new Error('ETIMEDOUT')
      err.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'
  req.on('error', callback)

  // Sending body
  if (body) {


* Calculates HTTP timings
* @function getTimings
* @param {Object} eventTimes
* @param {Number} eventTimes.startAt
* @param {Number|undefined} eventTimes.dnsLookupAt
* @param {Number} eventTimes.tcpConnectionAt
* @param {Number|undefined} eventTimes.tlsHandshakeAt
* @param {Number} eventTimes.firstByteAt
* @param {Number} eventTimes.endAt
* @return {Object} timings - { dnsLookup, tcpConnection, tlsHandshake, firstByte, contentTransfer, total }
function getTimings (eventTimes) {
  return {
    // There is no DNS lookup with IP address
    dnsLookup: eventTimes.dnsLookupAt !== undefined ?
      getHrTimeDurationInMs(eventTimes.startAt, eventTimes.dnsLookupAt) : undefined,
    tcpConnection: getHrTimeDurationInMs(eventTimes.dnsLookupAt || eventTimes.startAt, eventTimes.tcpConnectionAt),
    // There is no TLS handshake without https
    tlsHandshake: eventTimes.tlsHandshakeAt !== undefined ?
      (getHrTimeDurationInMs(eventTimes.tcpConnectionAt, eventTimes.tlsHandshakeAt)) : undefined,
    firstByte: getHrTimeDurationInMs((eventTimes.tlsHandshakeAt || eventTimes.tcpConnectionAt), eventTimes.firstByteAt),
    contentTransfer: getHrTimeDurationInMs(eventTimes.firstByteAt, eventTimes.endAt),
    total: getHrTimeDurationInMs(eventTimes.startAt, eventTimes.endAt)

* Get duration in milliseconds from process.hrtime()
* @function getHrTimeDurationInMs
* @param {Array} startTime - [seconds, nanoseconds]
* @param {Array} endTime - [seconds, nanoseconds]
* @return {Number} durationInMs
function getHrTimeDurationInMs (startTime, endTime) {
  const secondDiff = endTime[0] - startTime[0]
  const nanoSecondDiff = endTime[1] - startTime[1]
  const diffInNanoSecond = secondDiff * NS_PER_SEC + nanoSecondDiff

  return diffInNanoSecond / MS_PER_NS

const runTest = async (headers) => {
  const timingAverages = {
    dnsLookup: 0,
    tcpConnection: 0,
    tlsHandshake: 0,
    firstByte: 0,
    contentTransfer: 0,
    total: 0

  let totalRequests = 0;
  const cb = (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
    totalRequests += 1;
    if ( === 0) {
      Object.assign(timingAverages, res.timings);
    const timings = res.timings;
    timingAverages.dnsLookup = (timingAverages.dnsLookup + timings.dnsLookup) / 2
    timingAverages.tcpConnection = (timingAverages.tcpConnection + timings.tcpConnection) / 2
    timingAverages.tlsHandshake = (timingAverages.tlsHandshake + timings.tlsHandshake) / 2
    timingAverages.firstByte = (timingAverages.firstByte + timings.firstByte) / 2
    timingAverages.contentTransfer = (timingAverages.contentTransfer + timings.contentTransfer) / 2 = ( + / 2
    if (totalRequests === images.length) {

  for (const image of images) {
    request(Object.assign(url.parse(`<VARNISH_URL>/rs:fit:1024:1024:1/plain/${image}`), {
    }), cb);

  await new Promise((resolve) => setInterval(() => {if (totalRequests === images.length) {resolve()}}, 100))

const testNoCache = async () => {
    return runTest({
      'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0'

const testCache = async () => {
  return runTest({
    'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=65535'

(async () => {
  await testNoCache();
  await testCache();

and default.vcl is

vcl 4.1;

  import directors;
  import std;

  backend imgproxy {
          .host = "<IMAGE_PROXY_K8S_SERVICE>";
          .port = "8080";

  sub vcl_recv {
     if ( == "<VARNISH_HOST>") {
          set req.backend_hint = imgproxy;
          // Ignore imgproxy url signing for now
          set req.url = "/insecure" + req.url;
          set req.url = regsub(req.url, "<OBJECT_STORE_URL>", "<OBJECT_STORE_K8S_SERVICE>");
          // Downgrade https requests to http as we are behind nginx ingress already
          set req.url = regsub(req.url, "https://<OBJECT_STORE_K8S_SERVICE>", "http://<OBJECT_STORE_K8S_SERVICE>");
          unset req.http.Cookie;

Varnish Cache version

varnishd (varnish-7.4.2 revision cd1d10ab53a6f6115b2b4f3b2a1da94c1f749f80)

Operating system

Rancher K8s on Ubuntu 20.04

Source of binary packages used (if any)

Docker hub

dridi commented 5 months ago

Could you please follow these steps?

justinhippo commented 5 months ago

Here's the log from the test run with lorempicsum photos, just changed host name of internal hosts to (and changed .vsl to .log to allow gh uploading). tests.log

dridi commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately the file is unreadable, could you please upload a new one using the following command?

varnishlog -w tests.log -d -g raw -C -X '*Header:^host:'

This command should capture the logs omitting host headers, please let me know if that is not the case. It looks like you redacted the host names directly on the binary file, which broke the file format.

Alternatively, if you still have the original unmodified test.vsl you can do this without needing to perform a new test:

varnishlog -w tests.vsl -w tests.log -g raw -C -X '*Header:^host:'

This one should read your log dump and made a copy with host headers filtered out.

nigoroll commented 5 months ago

Putting aside the question of whether or not NodeJS is a good choice to properly calculate benchmarks at all, I think there is a methodological issue here:

timingAverages.contentTransfer = (timingAverages.contentTransfer + timings.contentTransfer) / 2

You seem to be calculating a moving average here, where the last value attributes for 50% of the value, the previous one 25% and so on. Thus, the values reported have very limited statistical significance. You should at least calculate an average (sum up a total and a count of measurements, then divide one by the other) or report percentiles. Note: I am a statistics noob and others would have far more elaborate answers.

Also, you can not just arbitrarily edit VSL files without rendering them unusable to our tooling. If you absolutely need to, you can, in principle, replace a specific string with one by exactly the same length, but changing the length of substrings will break the VSL format.

justinhippo commented 5 months ago

Heres the corrected tests.log, and I appreciate the help, this is my first time using varnish and I'm still not used to the intricacies tests.log

As for the concern around utilizing NodeJS, this was spun out of real-world observations, and I do believe the timing isn't that far off to cause 2x readings for one test vs another. The same goes for utilizing a rolling average, but to assuage concerns I rewrote part of the test like

const runTest = async (headers) => {
  const timingAverages = {
    dnsLookup: [],
    tcpConnection: [],
    tlsHandshake: [],
    firstByte: [],
    contentTransfer: [],
    total: []

  let totalRequests = 0;
  const cb = (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
    totalRequests += 1;
    const timings = res.timings;
    if (totalRequests === images.length) {
      timingAverages.dnsLookup = timingAverages.dnsLookup.reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0) / timingAverages.dnsLookup.length;
      timingAverages.tcpConnection = timingAverages.tcpConnection.reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0) / timingAverages.tcpConnection.length;
      timingAverages.tlsHandshake = timingAverages.tlsHandshake.reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0) / timingAverages.tlsHandshake.length;
      timingAverages.firstByte = timingAverages.firstByte.reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0) / timingAverages.firstByte.length;
      timingAverages.contentTransfer = timingAverages.contentTransfer.reduce((pv, cv) => pv + cv, 0) / timingAverages.contentTransfer.length; =, cv) => pv + cv, 0) /;

which gives each individual readings as well as an average, and the results look like this for a cold cache

  dnsLookup: [
      19.93784,   28.07454,   33.73065,
     49.773769,  49.608095,  185.92749,
    185.845296,  63.645777, 252.009178,
     33.445176, 233.147929,  63.427909,
     92.640037, 154.376359,  92.418847,
     79.524635,  78.890125, 106.703612,
    107.129597, 123.577273, 122.843716,
    136.439182, 136.458035, 154.434705,
    206.588555, 170.214109, 170.566701,
    206.964097, 215.875967, 233.467083,
    251.930575, 216.031609
  tcpConnection: [
    61.789487, 61.164254, 59.555189,
    56.627942, 59.769154, 67.903728,
    68.032112, 60.885966, 63.671877,
    62.399991, 61.407015, 60.381059,
    61.291969, 64.316233, 61.486067,
    59.003847,  58.11804,    60.334,
    60.637711, 57.456184, 63.586648,
    60.418539, 59.777141, 60.344555,
    63.165154, 62.619101, 65.957661,
    64.468462, 61.509323, 64.626933,
    63.244574,  61.32352
  tlsHandshake: [
    131.528177, 131.027368,  134.09194,
    134.929551, 132.524353, 132.049482,
    132.717415, 136.469747, 134.731764,
    137.039744, 122.696647, 129.606645,
    137.040508,  132.82508,  137.61966,
    138.155856, 135.369672, 126.030985,
    139.387236, 127.508853,  130.79425,
    134.078286, 135.324556, 130.701035,
    126.491662,  137.30185, 135.699126,
    129.954115, 129.106353, 133.030783,
    132.562853, 132.925048
  firstByte: [
     429.879613,  489.604641, 1379.527324,
    2249.508739, 2338.470817, 2287.412858,
    2508.532585, 2641.129194, 2548.869027,
    3295.907005, 3352.883484, 3712.970083,
    3808.411803, 3873.279871, 4167.281563,
    4371.000475, 4880.835777, 5078.747737,
     5073.98584, 5072.798888,  5069.92534,
    5096.029239, 5095.605028, 5082.044114,
    4824.831587, 5098.138493, 5096.914209,
    5067.448072, 5069.456898,  5065.09173,
    5096.810019, 5054.294952
  contentTransfer: [
    185.874166, 139.249603, 136.787592,
    150.626073, 140.612529, 133.030364,
    136.654004, 190.566206, 124.821471,
    140.693461, 195.565545, 202.951778,
    204.659713, 211.476559, 190.607662,
    200.512238, 216.481054,   0.156129,
      0.196418,   0.153952,   0.237125,
      0.192032,   0.131228,   0.150658,
    244.335089,   0.208147,   0.165334,
      0.164052,   0.226009,   0.064772,
       0.19143, 219.050892
  total: [
     829.009283,  849.120406, 1743.692695,
    2641.466074, 2720.984948, 2806.323922,
    3031.781412,  3092.69689, 3124.103317,
    3669.485377,  3965.70062, 4169.337474,
     4304.04403, 4436.274102, 4649.413799,
    4848.197051, 5369.694668, 5371.972463,
    5381.336802,  5381.49515, 5387.387079,
    5427.157278, 5427.295988, 5427.675067,
    5465.412047,   5468.4817, 5469.303031,
    5468.998798,  5476.17455, 5496.281301,
    5544.739451, 5683.626021
  dnsLookup: 132.989014625,
  tcpConnection: 61.789794875,
  tlsHandshake: 132.85376875,
  firstByte: 3883.6758439062496,
  contentTransfer: 105.21229015625,
  total: 4316.520712312501

while it looks like this with a warm

  dnsLookup: [
     45.096431,  17.548342,  30.140989,
     29.361672,  45.165336,  15.195519,
      62.77775,  62.700762,  78.795172,
     79.234249,  98.175327,  98.571459,
    206.170511, 205.897793,    177.512,
    298.529712, 259.528888, 276.470497,
    230.468349, 156.335343, 139.183351,
    193.025498, 177.924663, 123.621447,
    230.695377, 139.244965, 192.937956,
    298.396759, 259.371885, 123.989488,
    276.809943, 156.672806
  tcpConnection: [
    64.089612, 67.189669, 60.757949,
     62.34496, 57.808701, 62.477281,
    59.360514, 59.497304, 64.657762,
    64.853223, 58.971221,  59.22844,
     72.07412, 71.686461, 62.375393,
     72.20083, 71.139955, 71.595018,
    74.530317, 69.307778, 64.791249,
    64.613187, 74.218542, 67.067098,
     74.91232, 61.302828, 64.867489,
    71.859231, 70.756694, 66.591919,
    72.609605,   69.3004
  tlsHandshake: [
     66.537938, 133.982176, 139.076164,
    127.954057,  133.59868, 138.255908,
    142.454908, 143.098861, 128.757382,
    136.550904, 145.994982, 146.498379,
    158.544484, 160.273312, 147.492856,
     78.167797,  66.291941, 153.241899,
    145.544286,  68.583907, 153.774298,
     69.055217, 143.069149, 136.429262,
     71.646476, 143.143541, 141.338993,
    151.589382,  66.709555, 137.691997,
    153.167338, 144.856469
  firstByte: [
      78.655131,   71.588653,   69.311978,
      71.053851,   71.270913,   74.159171,
      78.788136,   76.308675,   69.630887,
      71.283787,   69.161124,   72.509248,
      72.638633,   81.996677,   69.512148,
      80.203901,   75.959751,   72.795485,
      76.371615,  886.406136, 2971.690184,
     3067.55421, 3419.933943, 3558.537114,
    3673.620399, 3742.914859, 3898.308628,
    3859.171898, 4049.649664, 4280.476296,
    4206.517422, 4412.503068
  contentTransfer: [
    135.221546,  155.11207,  147.79899,
    155.551035,  148.40266, 211.769714,
    197.639815, 211.169207, 219.848684,
    215.193694, 225.630533, 224.623418,
    130.257422, 143.230278, 254.498134,
    182.671126, 243.916342,  204.59074,
    259.814462, 202.205542, 212.028139,
    218.538249, 257.656505, 233.673702,
    259.463878, 255.447961, 267.603949,
     265.52986, 284.802727, 265.268678,
    281.500461, 421.833118
  total: [
     389.600658,   445.42091,   447.08607,
     446.265575,   456.24629,  501.857593,
     541.021123,  552.774809,  561.689887,
     567.115857,  597.933187,  601.430944,
      639.68517,  663.084521,  711.390531,
     711.773366,  716.836877,  778.693639,
     786.729029, 1382.838706, 3541.467221,
    3612.786361, 4072.802802, 4119.328623,
     4310.33845, 4342.054154, 4565.057015,
     4646.54713, 4731.290525, 4874.018378,
    4990.604769, 5205.165861
  dnsLookup: 149.54844496875,
  tcpConnection: 66.5324084375,
  tlsHandshake: 127.29289056249999,
  firstByte: 1482.2026120312498,
  contentTransfer: 221.64039496875,
  total: 2047.21675096875

For the real-world experience, chrome network shows graphs like this for a cold cache (test is just all images in an html page) image with each blue block (content transfer time) being quite short image

where the same with a warm cache looks like this image image image

nigoroll commented 5 months ago

The numbers from the log do not reflect your reporting at all. For Cache misses, the total processing time (second last column) is in the multiple seconds range, while for cache hits it is at a millisecond or below, while "socket send" times (last column) are roughly comparable (we can not measure when data arrives at the client, we only know when we have handed it to the kernel). Do you maybe saturate some other resource such that, when varnish delivers all content simultaneously, the individual transfer times increase, but overall throughput as well? Notice how in the waterfall the transfers for the "miss" case are staggered, but all start at about the same time for the "hit" case.

$ /tmp/bin/varnishlog  -r ~/Downloads/tests\(1\).log -q 'VCL_call ~ MISS' -I Timestamp:Resp| grep Time
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546727.029209 0.352031 0.001837
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546727.098763 0.422016 0.000992
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546728.001734 1.307962 0.000963
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546728.827826 2.120532 0.001338
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546728.979831 2.272708 0.000684
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546729.070863 2.212195 0.001068
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546729.301213 2.442978 0.001792
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546729.301630 2.579351 0.002100
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546729.409134 2.486631 0.001132
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546729.929259 3.235501 0.001075
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546730.181512 3.291490 0.001233
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546730.360417 3.642044 0.001832
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546730.502692 3.746410 0.002780
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546730.614502 3.787374 0.001839
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546730.861007 4.103380 0.001615
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.047794 4.302196 0.001754
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.527647 4.790143 0.001948
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.624235 4.759561 0.001482
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.764854 5.002799 0.000073
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.780470 5.002835 0.000200
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.780559 5.002260 0.000195
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.783999 5.002704 0.000153
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.829995 5.030261 0.000237
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.830311 5.030131 0.000197
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.830513 5.013749 0.000242
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.840052 4.954164 0.001912
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.843164 5.002504 0.000052
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.844442 5.002824 0.000061
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.872344 5.002712 0.000107
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.880732 5.002868 0.000131
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.905851 5.002376 0.000117
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546731.925591 5.003290 0.000145
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546738.242944 0.742073 0.002865
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546740.412813 2.851692 0.002231
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546740.527030 2.992088 0.003202
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546740.952131 3.355464 0.002205
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.019898 3.490349 0.002326
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.186267 3.603022 0.002875
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.218674 3.668178 0.003754
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.432978 3.827275 0.001501
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.518722 3.790050 0.002752
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.588033 3.981912 0.004020
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.787824 4.253407 0.047221
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.890083 4.179403 0.044593
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546741.921302 4.342907 0.003407
 /tmp/bin/varnishlog  -r ~/Downloads/tests\(1\).log -q 'VCL_call ~ HIT' -I Timestamp:Resp| grep Time
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.379089 0.000432 0.000174
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.414126 0.000527 0.000298
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.414613 0.000378 0.000177
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.420638 0.000276 0.000121
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.428999 0.000269 0.000117
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.438561 0.000443 0.000206
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.472861 0.000544 0.000342
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.472894 0.001119 0.000910
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.474015 0.001805 0.001439
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.485190 0.000759 0.000595
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.503804 0.000931 0.000685
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.508663 0.000247 0.000151
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.594484 0.001055 0.000847
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.608003 0.001808 0.001628
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.641944 0.000428 0.000249
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.649923 0.000443 0.000248
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.658738 0.000960 0.000771
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.662729 0.000358 0.000198
-   Timestamp      Resp: 1706546737.711666 0.000444 0.000258
gquintard commented 3 months ago

@justinhippo , can you share the resolution details if any, please? I'm sure it'll be useful to others

justinhippo commented 3 months ago

The resolution here is that it is some unrelated issue with some other aspect of my stack, unrelated to vagrant, but exposed through the fast concurrent responses from vagrant