Closed arTec-Berlin closed 4 years ago
We got it working after we switched to a real certificate. self signed did not work. After that we just added the .pem file to the server options
If you want you use custom cert file, you can use Nginx / Apache as proxy. Very useful in case you are using both HTTP and WS on same host.
For Nginx I use this virtual host settings: location /websocket { proxy_pass http://localhost:8010; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection \$connection_upgrade; }
This must be added to nginx general configuration (like /etc/nginx/conf.d/http.conf):
proxy_read_timeout 600s; map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; }
Then I connect my browser-side WS client to URI wss://
First of all thank you for this nice library which works quite well and was easy to use. Running a WebSocketServer via the WS protocol works fine but when we try to switch to wss we get:
PHP Warning: stream_socket_accept(): SSL_R_NO_SHARED_CIPHER: no suitable shared cipher could be used. This could be because the server is missing an SSL certificate (local_cert context option) in /var/www/clients/client8/web47/web/vscout_2.0/WebSocketServer/vendor/wrench/wrench/lib/Socket/ServerSocket.php on line 60
Do you know this problem? Can you help?
Best Martin