vasani-arpit / WBOT

A simple Web based BOT for WhatsApp™ in NodeJS 😜. Working as of 📅 Feb 4th, 2024
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Centos 7 : WhatsApp works with Google Chrome 49+ #104

Closed catur515 closed 4 years ago

catur515 commented 4 years ago

Sorry my bad english... this text using google translate from my language to english.. sory.

OS Centos 7 :

WABOT works perfectly for the first time login in headless mode: true, However, if it is closed with ctrl + c ctrl Z or kill node js; If run again then : check login page.evaluate("localStorage['last-wid']"); // it's okey but then error : WhatsApp works with Google Chrome 49+ :

Ia have try by handle with SIGINT SIGTERM; but its not working. The message WhatsApp works with Google Chrome 49+, always show.

so I have to delete chromium-data, than scanqrcode again every time the computer restarts or after press ctrl+c.

vasani-arpit commented 4 years ago

Please pull the latest code and use it. localStorage['last-wid'] is no longer being used. I used to have this problem I think latest one will not have that problem.

catur515 commented 4 years ago

Please pull the latest code and use it. localStorage['last-wid'] is no longer being used. I used to have this problem I think latest one will not have that problem.

Sori, Do you mean checklogin no longer using await page.evaluate ("localStorage ['last-wid']"); But Sorry I did not find the file.

vasani-arpit commented 4 years ago

I have access to ubuntu machine. I will try in it.

catur515 commented 4 years ago

I'm still, get error like this....


catur515 commented 4 years ago

I have almost given up because WABOT works perfectly on windows. Finally..

after a few days, almost a week I've found a solution headless on centos 7 👯 : change user agent :

page.setUserAgent ('Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version / 4.0 Chrome / 55.0.2883.91 Mobile Safari / 537.36')

Thanks my life...