vasani-arpit / WBOT

A simple Web based BOT for WhatsApp™ in NodeJS 😜. Working as of 📅 Feb 4th, 2024
977 stars 313 forks source link

Schedule a message #130

Closed Tsjippy closed 3 years ago

Tsjippy commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. This works great in responding to messages, is it also possible to schedule a message?

Describe the solution you'd like I would like to schedule a message lik this: Everyday on 6:35AM send a Whatsap message to this group containing ...

How can I do that?

HelioSilva commented 4 years ago

This is a great idea. This is also a need of mine. I'm already trying to implement this feature in the project. In case of success, I answer here.

andersondeoliveiramachado commented 4 years ago

andersondeoliveiramachado commented 4 years ago

` async function setupJobs() {

    console.log("Setup Jobs.");

    var jsonJobs = await utils.externalInjection("jobs.json");
    jsonJobs = JSON.parse(jsonJobs);

    for(var i=0; i < jsonJobs.job.length; i++) {  
        let cronForJob = jsonJobs.job[i].cron;
        let textForJob = jsonJobs.job[i].text;
        console.log('CREATE - Job : '+cronForJob+' '+textForJob);
        jobsNow[i] = new CronJob(cronForJob, function() {
            const d = new Date();
            console.log(d + ' - ' + textForJob + ' - texto' + i);

    jsonJobs = new SelfReloadJSON({additive: false,delay: 1000 ,fileName: 'jobs.json'});
    jsonJobs.on('updated', function(jsonAtualizacao) { 

        console.log('The file jobs.json was updated');

        // STOP OLD JOBS
        console.log('CRONS ATUAIS NUM TOTAL DE : '+jobsNow.length);
        for(var i=0; i<=(jobsNow.length-1); i++) {
            console.log('PARANDO O CRON '+i);   

        // START NEWS JOBS
        jobsNow = [];

        // {"job": [{"cron": "*/1 * * * * *","text": "a cada 1 segundo"},{"cron": "*/5 * * * * *","text": "a cada 5 segundos"}]}

        console.log('JOBS PARA SEREM ADICIONADOS : '+ jsonAtualizacao.job.length);

        for(var i=0; i<=(jsonAtualizacao.job.length-1); i++) {
            if (jsonAtualizacao.job[i].cron !== undefined) {
                let cronForJob = jsonAtualizacao.job[i].cron;
                let textForJob = jsonAtualizacao.job[i].text;
                console.log('RELOAD - Job : '+cronForJob+' '+textForJob);
                jobsNow[i] = new CronJob(cronForJob, function() {
                    const d = new Date();
                    console.log(d + ' - ' +textForJob + ' - texto' + i);
                    // way for WAPI.sendMessage2 ????
        console.log(' terminou o updated');


    return true;


turikan commented 4 years ago

its work with node cron index.js

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core'); const _cliProgress = require('cli-progress'); const spintax = require('mel-spintax'); require("./welcome"); var spinner = require("./step"); var utils = require("./utils"); var qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal'); var path = require("path"); var argv = require('yargs').argv; var rev = require("./detectRev"); var constants = require("./constants"); var configs = require("../bot");

const cron = require('node-cron');



async function Main() {

try {
    var page;
    await downloadAndStartThings();
    var isLogin = await checkLogin();
    if (!isLogin) {
        await getAndShowQR();
    if (configs.smartreply.suggestions.length > 0) {
        await setupSmartReply();
    console.log("WBOT is ready !! Let those message come.");

    // Add cron job here
    cron.schedule('0 0 8 * * *', function() {

} catch (e) {
    console.error("\nLooks like you got an error. " + e);
    try {
        page.screenshot({ path: path.join(process.cwd(), "error.png") })
    } catch (s) {
        console.error("Can't create shreenshot, X11 not running?. " + s);
    console.error("Don't worry errors are good. They help us improve. A screenshot has already been saved as error.png in current directory. Please mail it on along with the steps to reproduce it.\n");
    throw e;

 * If local chrome is not there then this function will download it first. then use it for automation. 
async function downloadAndStartThings() {
    let botjson = utils.externalInjection("bot.json");
    var appconfig = await utils.externalInjection("bot.json");
    appconfig = JSON.parse(appconfig);
    spinner.start("Downloading chrome\n");
    const browserFetcher = puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher({
        path: process.cwd()
    const progressBar = new _cliProgress.Bar({}, _cliProgress.Presets.shades_grey);
    progressBar.start(100, 0);
    var revNumber = await rev.getRevNumber();
    const revisionInfo = await, (download, total) => {
        var percentage = (download * 100) / total;
    spinner.stop("Downloading chrome ... done!");
    spinner.start("Launching Chrome");
    var pptrArgv = [];
    if (argv.proxyURI) {
        pptrArgv.push('--proxy-server=' + argv.proxyURI);
    const extraArguments = Object.assign({});
    extraArguments.userDataDir = constants.DEFAULT_DATA_DIR;
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        executablePath: revisionInfo.executablePath,
        headless: appconfig.appconfig.headless,
        userDataDir: path.join(process.cwd(), "ChromeSession"),
        devtools: false,
        args: [...constants.DEFAULT_CHROMIUM_ARGS, ...pptrArgv], ...extraArguments
    spinner.stop("Launching Chrome ... done!");
    if (argv.proxyURI) {"Using a Proxy Server");
    spinner.start("Opening Whatsapp");
    page = await browser.pages();
    if (page.length > 0) {
        page = page[0];
        if (argv.proxyURI) {
            await page.authenticate({ username: argv.username, password: argv.password });
        page.setUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36");
        await page.goto('', {
            waitUntil: 'networkidle0',
            timeout: 0
        //await injectScripts(page);
        botjson.then((data) => {
            page.evaluate("var intents = " + data);
        }).catch((err) => {
            console.log("there was an error \n" + err);
        spinner.stop("Opening Whatsapp ... done!");
        page.exposeFunction("log", (message) => {
        page.exposeFunction("getFile", utils.getFileInBase64);
        page.exposeFunction("resolveSpintax", spintax.unspin);

async function injectScripts(page) {
    return await page.waitForSelector('[data-icon=laptop]')
        .then(async () => {
            var filepath = path.join(__dirname, "WAPI.js");
            await page.addScriptTag({ path: require.resolve(filepath) });
            filepath = path.join(__dirname, "inject.js");
            await page.addScriptTag({ path: require.resolve(filepath) });
            return true;
        .catch(() => {
            console.log("User is not logged in. Waited 30 seconds.");
            return false;
   async function injectSend(page) {
    return await page.waitForSelector('[data-icon=laptop]')
        .then(async () => {
            var filepath = path.join(__dirname, "WAPI.js");
            await page.addScriptTag({ path: require.resolve(filepath) });
            filepath = path.join(__dirname, "sendMessage.js");
            await page.addScriptTag({ path: require.resolve(filepath) });
            return true;
        .catch(() => {
            console.log("User is not logged in. Waited 30 seconds.");
            return false;

async function checkSend(page)  {
   // spinner.start("Page is loading");
    //TODO: avoid using delay and make it in a way that it would react to the event. 
    // await utils.delay(10000);
    var output = await page.evaluate("localStorage['last-wid']");
    //console.log("\n" + output);
    if (output) {
        console.log("InjectSend ");
        await injectSend(page);
    } else {
        console.log("You are not logged in. Please scan the QR below");
    return output;

async function checkLogin() {
    spinner.start("Page is loading");
    //TODO: avoid using delay and make it in a way that it would react to the event. 
    await utils.delay(10000);
    var output = await page.evaluate("localStorage['last-wid']");
    //console.log("\n" + output);
    if (output) {
        spinner.stop("Looks like you are already logged in");
        await injectScripts(page);
    } else {"You are not logged in. Please scan the QR below");
    return output;

//TODO: add logic to refresh QR.
async function getAndShowQR() {
    //TODO: avoid using delay and make it in a way that it would react to the event. 
    //await utils.delay(10000);
    var scanme = "img[alt='Scan me!'], canvas";
    await page.waitForSelector(scanme);
    var imageData = await page.evaluate(`document.querySelector("${scanme}").parentElement.getAttribute("data-ref")`);
    qrcode.generate(imageData, { small: true });
    spinner.start("Waiting for scan \nKeep in mind that it will expire after few seconds");
    var isLoggedIn = await injectScripts(page);
    while (!isLoggedIn) {
        //console.log("page is loading");
        //TODO: avoid using delay and make it in a way that it would react to the event. 
        await utils.delay(300);
        isLoggedIn = await injectScripts(page);
    if (isLoggedIn) {
        spinner.stop("Looks like you are logged in now");
        //console.log("Welcome, WBOT is up and running");

async function setupSmartReply() {
    spinner.start("setting up smart reply");
    await page.waitForSelector("#app");
    await page.evaluate(`
        var observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            for (var mutation of mutations) {
                if (mutation.addedNodes.length && mutation.addedNodes[0].id === 'main') {
                    //newChat(mutation.addedNodes[0].querySelector('.copyable-text span').innerText);
                    console.log("%cChat changed !!", "font-size:x-large");
        observer.observe(document.querySelector('.app'), { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true });
    spinner.stop("setting up smart reply ... done!");
    page.waitForSelector("#main", { timeout: 0 }).then(async () => {
        await page.exposeFunction("sendMessage", async message => {
            return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
                //send message to the currently open chat using power of puppeteer 
                await page.type("div.selectable-text[data-tab]", message);
                if (configs.smartreply.clicktosend) {
                    await"#main > footer > div.copyable-area > div:nth-child(3) > button");



swandono commented 3 years ago

I'm doing it using setInterval() loop.

function intervalBel(interV){//create function for looping
    var alarmBel = window.setInterval(function(){//you must set an variable for setInterval()
                // , so you can do clearInterval()
        var date = new Date();
        if(date.getHours() == 5){//check before 6 and change the interval
            intervalBel(60000);//change the interval for 1 minutes
                        // , so you can check exactly what time you want
        if(date.getHours() == 6 && date.getMinutes() == 35){//the time you want to do something
            WAPI.sendMessage2('', 'Wake Up guys');//you do stuff here
            intervalBel(3600000);//make the interval for 1 hour again, so it's not overkill
    }, interV)

intervalBel(3600000);//you can call it and set it to 1 hours interval for first initiation 

I add this on inject.js before WAPI.waitNewMessages.

stale[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.