vasanthv / jsonbox

HTTP-based JSON storage.
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Standardize and document response schema #52

Open jsejcksn opened 4 years ago

jsejcksn commented 4 years ago

It would be useful to standardize and document the responses for each operation, such as the status code, response body, etc.

Status codes


Here are some suggested examples:


Code Description Uses
200 OK generic
201 Created create requests


Code Description Uses
400 Bad request generic
401 Unauthorized when requesting protected boxes without API key
404 Not Found when requesting invalid resources (ID, collection, etc.)
405 Method Not Allowed e.g. when attempting to PUT a collection endpoint
413 Payload Too Large not sure if you have a real 10KB limit, but would apply in that case
429 Too Many Requests you don't state that you rate limit, but including this anyway


Code Description Uses
500 Internal Server Error generic
503 Service Unavailable I saw issues in the past with Mongo Atlas problems


The response body would also benefit from being standardized with static or conditional fields. As a suggestion, you could provide the following standard response fields on the body:

Here's an example response for a PUT request with an invalid ID:

  "status": "fail",
  "message": "Invalid record ID"

And here's one for a GET request:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "_id": "5d776b75fd6d3d6cb1d45c52",
      "name": "Daenerys Targaryen",
      "age": 25,
      "_createdOn": "2019-09-10T09:23:01.105Z"
      "_id": "5d776b75fd6d3d6cb1d45c53",
      "name": "Arya Stark",
      "age": 16,
      "_createdOn": "2019-09-10T09:23:01.105Z"
jsejcksn commented 4 years ago

To extend this further, you could also consider implementing a caching mechanism using Etags, and utilizing the 304 status code. However, that might be best discussed in a separate issue.

harlev commented 4 years ago

just make sure these are not breaking changes. Even if it will be "more correct" after the change

jsejcksn commented 4 years ago

@harlev I don’t see any documented response standards. Is there something to break?

If it is decided that these suggestions would introduce breaking changes, then they're suggestions for the next major version.

vasanthv commented 4 years ago

@jsejcksn like @harlev said, it is a breaking changes. It should be considered for next major release.