vascofazza / 8bit-cpu

Schematics & code for my 74LS-based 8-bit MK1 CPU
MIT License
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Programming Interface #10

Closed TnnsBeast closed 1 year ago

TnnsBeast commented 1 year ago

Could you please explain how to program the programming interface? I am a little confused as to what the arduino code start9_programming_interface.ino and the flash_composer are meant to do. Also, how does flash composer communicate with the a pc? Sorry for so many questions, I am just trying to follow the build and need a little assistance. Thank you!

vascofazza commented 1 year ago

The programming interface is used to program the MK1 using the start9_programming_interface board or directly from the computer through an Arduino serial interface.

1) The purpose of the Start9 programming interface is to store programs ad load them without having a computer laying around. On the board, an ATmega chip reads the programs from an EEPROM and loads them onto the CPU RAM. The way this works is the following: first, you upload the start9_programming_interface.ino onto the atmega, then you use the flash_composer to create a single binary file that contains all the programs you want to store onto the programming interface. This is an example:

2) If you want to program the CPU from your computer directly, you only need an Arduino NANO, and this is the code you need to upload This way, you can upload the code through the serial port - Everything is already implemented in the code folder, you should find the uploader there.

I hope this is making things a little bit clearer :)

TnnsBeast commented 1 year ago

Yes, this definitely makes sense. The main questions I have are how do you upload the start9_programming_interface.ino onto the atmega, and how do you flash the eeproms (the one on the programmer and the ones on control unit)? I have built the EEPROM Programmer, but from what I understand that is only able to write to the EEPROM used for the output display.