vasinov / jruby_mahout

JRuby Mahout is a gem that unleashes the power of Apache Mahout in the world of JRuby.
MIT License
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require "jruby_mahout" LoadError: cannot load such file -- jruby_mahout #5

Closed ManjunathGIT closed 9 years ago

ManjunathGIT commented 9 years ago

Jruby Mahout has been installed in my linux ruby environment, Then entered an command

rails c require "jruby_mahout" Resulted an error Loading development environment (Rails 4.0.2) irb(main):001:0> require "jruby_mahout" LoadError: cannot load such file -- jruby_mahout from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/polyglot-0.3.3/lib/polyglot.rb:63:in require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/polyglot-0.3.3/lib/polyglot.rb:63:inrequire' Able to understand this problem

  1. If i able to create jirb then jruby_mahout loading is fine
  2. But my project is loaded as if in rails c or irb
  3. As vasinov suggested i have specified platform :jruby do gem "jruby_mahout",'0.2.0' end but many things like ~/.irbrc file editing. But resulting same error
vasinov commented 9 years ago

@ManjunathGIT looks like you are trying to load jruby_mahout in Ruby MRI instead of JRuby. It only works with JRuby because it uses a JVM library.