vasishth / Freq_CogSci

Linear mixed models in Linguistics and Psychology: A Comprehensive Introduction
MIT License
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F1 formant data not appropriate? #1

Open vasishth opened 4 years ago

vasishth commented 4 years ago

p. 72: why are female and male data points paired? I don’t understand this. Isn’t gender fixed for each person, and data are from different people? Is this averaged across male versus female subjects? And is it paired because these are responses to the same vowel in the same language? yes, the last point you mention. I.e., in an item-based analysis, gender is a dependent variable? That is not a very intuitive concept for psychologists, who may not even know about item-based statistics - many psych people do not need these. This needs to be explained, or use an example with subject-based statistics. not seeing the problem, but maybe we can talk about it later and change the example. I opened an issue.