vasishth / bayescogsci

Draft of book entitled An Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis for Cognitive Science by Nicenboim, Schad, Vasishth
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A few typos and thoughts on Preface + Chap 1 #32

Closed omseeth closed 1 year ago

omseeth commented 1 year ago

Typos spotted in the Preface + Chap 1:

Section: Who is this book for? [1]“R for data sciencace“ -> should probably be science

Section: Software needed [2]“install.packages(c("dplyr","purrr","tidyr", "extraDistr", "brms","hypr","lme4“)“ -> missing final bracket

Section 1.4.1 [3]“In real experimental situations we never know“ -> missing comma

Section 1.5. [4]“its standard devation“ -> should probably be deviation

Here are few thoughts on chapter 1:

Section 1.4:

[1] It’s not entirely clear from the following sentence „When the number of trials is one, the random variable is said to have a Bernoulli distribution.“ why it is a Bernoulli distribution. A further explanation could be helpful.

[2] In one paragraph you speak of "In the above example, with n = 10 trials“ while the example with rbinom had n = 20 and a sample size of 10. I find this a bit confusing.

Section 1.7

[3] After reading this section, we know how to integrate out a binomial distribution. We also know that this will be important for the following chapters / handling Bayesian statistics. But as a curious reader, I wonder at this stage of the text if this method/concept only works for the binomial distribution. It’s neither entirely clear how we can interpret the final figure (0.0909) in the given example.

rlewijl commented 1 year ago

In Section 1.7, equation introduced with "Writing the θ values and their probabilities, we get:" two of the exponents for θ values of 0.5 and 0.9 change from 7 to 8 in the second step, I think this might be a typo.

JPapir commented 1 year ago

I should add another typo in section 1.6, second paragraph :

what a bivariate (or more generally, multivariate) distribution is.

(instead of distriution)

vasishth commented 1 year ago

Thanks both. All corrections have now been made and will show up the next time the web page is compiled.