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Virtual Advanced Squad Leader
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Counted Clone #1230

Open jrvjrv opened 1 year ago

jrvjrv commented 1 year ago

When setting up a common activity is to drag a counter out of the tray then clone it the appropriate number of times. For one or two clones this is not particularly onerous but if you need eighteen pillboxes or twenty-six 6-6-8s, it could be made easier with a counted clone. After selecting the units and the command the user would get a dialog box asking for the number of clones (perhaps with two synchronized text boxes, one for the total number at end (N, including the original) and one for the number of clones (N-1); the first text box would allow the user to type the number on the scenario card without subtracting one).

derimmer commented 1 year ago

I never use actual key combinations. I always use the mouse. EXCEPT for this one situation. Drag one counter onto the map, select it and then CTRL-K until you hit the magic number. If you are setting up a big scenario or CG and need 40 of something then CTRL-K until you have 10, select the stack, CTRL-K and you now have 20.

I actually think this is quicker than using a dialog box.


jrvjrv commented 1 year ago

Obviously it can be done with the existing clone command. And you can perform all kinds of mathematical calculus to reduce the number of clones, if your bent runs that way. But for each number you have to do a different trick (sixteen: clone, select stack, clone, select stack, clone, select stack, clone vs. fifteen: clone, clone, select stack, clone, clone, clone, clone vs. thirteen: ?) for each number. That's tedious thinking. And at the end you always have the nagging feeling that the number is wrong. The enhancement is intended to get rid of the tedious thinking and the nagging doubt. But it is an enhancement, and the answer may be, "let them walk to school like I did when I was a kid."

derimmer commented 1 year ago

It's on the issues list quite legitimately and anyone can pick it up and try to make it work.

jrvjrv commented 1 year ago

As regards to speed, if it were hooked up to a control key (say ctrl-N, which seems to be not bound and could be short for, "N-clone") and the focus were set right on the dialog box, the user interaction might be as short as, ctrl-N, 15, . Boom, fifteen clones done.