vasqued2 / ha-teamtracker

Home Assistant integration that provides real-time scores in multiple professional (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, MLS, and more), college (NCAA), and international (soccer, golf, tennis, mma, racing) sports using ESPN APIs.
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Feature request - timed team rotation within the card #112

Closed bam7 closed 5 months ago

bam7 commented 9 months ago

I was wondering if anyone might have some advice on how I might be able to rotate multiple team sensors within one card. Like maybe every two minutes or something. Basically if I can only allocate space for one card, how tough would it be to add multiple team sensors to the same card and have the game info cycle thru? Any thoughts?

vasqued2 commented 9 months ago

You might be able to do something with conditional cards or auto entities and swap cards based on the current time.

vasqued2 commented 5 months ago

Closing as this will not be supported in the sensor itself.