vasqued2 / ha-teamtracker

Home Assistant integration that provides real-time scores in multiple professional (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB, MLS, and more), college (NCAA), and international (soccer, golf, tennis, mma, racing) sports using ESPN APIs.
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Problems with friendly FIFA matches #140

Closed zeroskrull closed 2 months ago

zeroskrull commented 2 months ago

Hi, Im using this for friendly matches of Peru (1st time doing this exact one) and im getting an error, is already 26, the match is today and nothing yet.


And match is already up in espn web


vasqued2 commented 2 months ago

It looks like you have everything set up correctly. The API has a cap of returning at max 25 games. If there are more scheduled for a single day, it only returns the first 25 and drops the rest. It looks like there are 35 fifa friendlies scheduled for today and unfortunately it looks like Peru's is #35 in the list. Unfortunately it is getting cut off.

Not usually an issue as most leagues have less than 50 teams. Unfortunately there are a lot more fifa teams playing friendlies at the same time today.

zeroskrull commented 2 months ago

Oh that sucks, thanks for the answer, so if this is an API problem theres no way to get the info, like a bypass method?. Thanks

vasqued2 commented 2 months ago

You would have to explicitly override the API default limit set by ESPN. I am sure they put them in place for a reason. I don't want to abuse it and give them a reason to shut them down or take away access.