vasturiano / 3d-force-graph

3D force-directed graph component using ThreeJS/WebGL
MIT License
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Export graph to .obj or .gltf #146

Closed malakhovks closed 6 years ago

malakhovks commented 6 years ago


is there a way to implement a graph exporter to .obj or .gltf from three.js lib?

Best regards!

vasturiano commented 6 years ago

@malakhovks honestly, I have no idea.

malakhovks commented 6 years ago

@malakhovks honestly, I have no idea.

Is there any way to directly access the THREE object of the three.js library with your component to initialize that function:

                var gltfExporter = new THREE.GLTFExporter();

                var options = {
                    trs: document.getElementById( 'option_trs' ).checked,
                    onlyVisible: document.getElementById( 'option_visible' ).checked,
                    truncateDrawRange: document.getElementById( 'option_drawrange' ).checked,
                    binary: document.getElementById( 'option_binary' ).checked,
                    forceIndices: document.getElementById( 'option_forceindices' ).checked,
                    forcePowerOfTwoTextures: document.getElementById( 'option_forcepot' ).checked
                gltfExporter.parse( input, function ( result ) {

                    if ( result instanceof ArrayBuffer ) {

                        saveArrayBuffer( result, 'scene.glb' );

                    } else {

                        var output = JSON.stringify( result, null, 2 );
                        console.log( output );
                        saveString( output, 'scene.gltf' );


                }, options );

vasturiano commented 6 years ago

@malakhovks you can access the ThreeJS scene using myGraph.scene(). Would that suffice?

malakhovks commented 6 years ago

@vasturiano I implemented a graph exporter to .gltf using GLTFExporter.js from three.js examples. It would be great if you add GLTFExporter.js to your cdn. And here is an example graph2gltf.html you can add to your list of examples.

vasturiano commented 6 years ago

@malakhovks you can already get the exporter from NPM/, as part of the three package:

malakhovks commented 6 years ago

@vasturiano Thanks! 👍

rafaelbecks commented 5 years ago

Hey @malakhovks how are you? I'm facing the same problem as you trying to export the 3d model generated for the graph. Do you have the example you mentioned before anywhere? I see the dropbox link is broken. Thank you! I'll keep trying to export the object anyway (:

malakhovks commented 5 years ago

@rafaelbecks , Hey! You can try it:

Just run server firstly

$ python3

And then you can serve page with random generated graph and click button to export it to .gltf:

rafaelbecks commented 5 years ago

@malakhovks Thanks for your response. In the end, I was able to export the graph with GLTFExporter using the code you mentioned above. Thanks for sending the code with the python server, I'll take a look to it.

peestract commented 1 year ago

Hi there @malakhovks , I am trying to get the exporter file you added to work - but when i click download it doesnt save anywhere... any advice? I am running server first, then clicking button and getting this error - Uncaught TypeError: THREE.GLTFExporter is not a constructor

malakhovks commented 1 year ago

Hi there @malakhovks , I am trying to get the exporter file you added to work - but when i click download it doesnt save anywhere... any advice? I am running server first, then clicking button and getting this error - Uncaught TypeError: THREE.GLTFExporter is not a constructor

Hey @peestract , there is an issue with Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) - a new browser security feature. I tried to export with and in developer console I firstly get:

Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response with MIME type text/html. See for more details.

and then Uncaught TypeError: THREE.GLTFExporter is not a constructor cause it is not loaded.

I will try to solve this issue

peestract commented 1 year ago

Ah I see, thanks for having a look. @rafaelbecks you were able to execute export without the need for python server?

peestract commented 1 year ago

@malakhovks I got it to work by changing the script tag to a rawcdn - thanks for your work