vasturiano / 3d-force-graph

3D force-directed graph component using ThreeJS/WebGL
MIT License
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Force layout in 3 dimensions: 3d-force-graph vs. d3-force-3d #496

Open ben-s-e opened 2 years ago

ben-s-e commented 2 years ago

Hi and thanks for developing this great force layout package.

Being new to force layout in Javascript, could you explain to me how coding a 3D force layout in 3d-force-graph is different to coding a 3D force layout in plain d3-force-3d? Was 3d-force-graph developed to provide better 3D rendering features, and simpler more intuitive code?

Thank you

vasturiano commented 2 years ago

@ben-s-e thanks for reaching out.

To clarify, d3-force-3d is just the layout computation engine, it doesn't perform any rendering but simply computes nodes/links abstract coordinates. 3d-force-graph provides a visual rendering layer using WebGL/ThreeJS and depends on d3-force-3d to compute the layout. The two functionalities do not overlap and have different responsibilities.