vasturiano /

UI component for Globe Data Visualization using ThreeJS/WebGL
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Is it possible to change hexpolygon size? #107

Open dgnydn opened 2 years ago

dgnydn commented 2 years ago

Hello, firstly thanks for this awesome library. I'm when I use hexPolygonResolution(4) there are ~36k hexpolygons, if I use hexPolygonResolution(5) there are ~266k hexpolygons. For a project I need to generate ~150 ~160k hexpolygons.

Question 1:

Again, thank you for this awesome library

vasturiano commented 2 years ago

@dgnydn thanks for reaching out.

The Hex polygon generation is tied to the implementation in H3. Therefore the only resolution levels (which determine hexes size and quantity) available are those provided by that library. You can see more details about those levels from this doc: