vasturiano /

UI component for Globe Data Visualization using ThreeJS/WebGL
MIT License
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[Question] Best way way to automatically rotate the globe #73

Closed ian-whitestone closed 2 years ago

ian-whitestone commented 2 years ago

I'm curious about the best way to automatically rotate the globe, in order to achieve a similar effect to the Github globe.

Right now I have this code, which appears to be doing the trick.

function animate() {
    let pov = globe.pointOfView();
    pov['lng'] -= 0.05

But I'm wondering if this is the best approach? Another option would be modifying the underlying three-globe object's rotation (i.e. globeObj.rotation.y += desiredRotationAmount), but I couldn't find a way to access that object with (I'm a JS noob, so maybe there is a way?)).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Note, if you'd prefer me to ask questions elsewhere, like stackoverflow, lemme know and I will happily move!

vasturiano commented 2 years ago

@ian-whitestone while those approaches would work, I think the simplest way is to set auto-rotate on the Three orbit controls, as in this example:

ian-whitestone commented 2 years ago

Thanks @vasturiano, apologies for not searching this repo more thoroughly.