vasturiano /

React component for Globe Data Visualization using ThreeJS/WebGL
MIT License
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Full size globe #156

Closed mighty-phoenix closed 12 months ago

mighty-phoenix commented 12 months ago

I want to make the globe full size... There should be no gap between the globe and the screen...(in case width is smaller than height, make width diameter, otherwise make height diameter. Kindly help me accomplish this. Quick response would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

vasturiano commented 12 months ago

@mighty-phoenix you can just adjust the alitude of the pov camera to achieve this. Like it's done here using the pointOfView method:

A value of 1.38 seems to achieve a fit height wise.

mighty-phoenix commented 12 months ago

Thanks a ton! @vasturiano Works like a charm.

mighty-phoenix commented 12 months ago

For anyone who wants to achieve this without cutting off the drop-shadow effect around the globe, you can use an altitude of 1.66 Thanks!

charlierdm commented 3 months ago

I think the readme could be updated to reflect this.

By default the camera will aim at the cross between the equator and the prime meridian (0,0 coordinates), at an altitude of 2.5 globe radii.

It would be helpful to mention removing the space around the globe. The description as it stands, whilst accurate, doesn't explain that it can do this simple task which I imagine a lot of users will want to adjust and the pointOfView function name also isn't particularly obvious when searching if this is what you aim to do.