vasturiano /

React component for Globe Data Visualization using ThreeJS/WebGL
MIT License
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Make Globe Transparent with Hex Bins - View Attached Image #178

Open gianniszonia opened 2 days ago

gianniszonia commented 2 days ago

Hi! Thank you so much for the globe, it is truly amazing and i also donated some money to you for your hard work :)

I am trying to make the globe background image transparent so that I can see the bars (hex bins) on the other side of the globe too (see image at the very bottom). I am making my image a bit transparent but it does not seem to work because the actual globe is black.

I tried everything such as using globeMaterial and making the globe transparent with lower opacity but then i end up with this which shows the bars starting from the center of the globe.

GlobeOld 2

I also tried using using a background image of just the land on the earth using this image - - but all I achieve is seeing just the land and then black everywhere else.

The funny thing is that I managed to do it years ago but I lost my code and I can not find it. And it shouldn't be difficult because i was much worse in Javascript back then. I have included a picture of the globe I created back then so that you can see what i mean by Transparent Globe.
