vasyabigi / angular-slick

Angular directive for slick-carousel
MIT License
500 stars 237 forks source link

Dots not created #106

Open mastermind1981 opened 9 years ago

mastermind1981 commented 9 years ago


Thank you for the module. it's very useful i have a little question concerning the dots attribute.

I have this configuration with dots="true" but there is no dots showed:

    <slick  class="slider single-item slick-master" init-onload="false" data="dataLoaded" slides-to-show="1" dots="false"  slides-to-scroll="1" class="slider one-time" arrows="true" as-nav-for=".slick-nav" >
      <div ng-repeat="image in images ">
          <img ng-src="{{ image.imgSrc}}" alt="" />
    <div ng-if="thumbs.length > 1">

    <slick class="slick-nav" init-onload="false" data="dataLoaded" slides-to-show="2" slides-to-scroll="1" as-nav-for=".slick-master" dots="true" center-mode="true" focus-on-select="true" >
            <div ng-repeat="thumb in thumbs">
          <img class="droplet-preview-1" ng-src="{{ thumb.imgSrc }}" alt="" />


rhodalynm commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thanks for this plugin.
I am also facing the same issue but only on lenovo tablet. The dots are showing in iPad, samsung tablet and nexus tablet but not in lenovo 7 inches tab. Appreciate any help. Thanks,