vasyabigi / angular-slick

Angular directive for slick-carousel
MIT License
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slick execution in ng-repeat #159

Open frkwhiteangel opened 8 years ago

frkwhiteangel commented 8 years ago

it wont work if the inside ng-repeat is not finished. how to fix?

dashcraft commented 8 years ago

From a recent experience, you have to call the slick directive and nested div's in a specific manner. This slick directive from my experience, doesn't like being the container for your images. I usually container my directives regardless, but this is how i accomplished something similar.

This scrolls through about 30 images around 1mb apiece, without issue.

Here is an example HTML file for a synced nav using the slick directive. `

<slick class="slider-nav" infinite="true"  init-onload="true" slides-to-show=3 slides-to-scroll=1 as-nav-for='.sliderfor' focus-on-select="true" arrows="false" center-mode="true" variable-width="true" data="images">
<div  ng-repeat="img in images | where:{category:filter} |  orderBy:'sort'">
        <img ng-src="{{img.file_path}}"/>


Here is a controller config, but i am extracting it into a service soon.

.controller("ImageCtrl", function image_controller( $scope, $timeout, $stateParams, $filter, $http, $q, $log) { console.log("Image Controller loaded"); console.log($stateParams.category); getImages(); $scope.filter = $stateParams.category;

        function getPromiseImages() {
            var deferred = $q.defer();
                function handleSuccess(response) {
                  console.log("Got promise list of images.");
                function handleError(response) {
                    console.log("Promise list of images failed.");
            return deferred.promise;
        function getImages(){
                    $scope.images = data;   

wishtreedotpro commented 7 years ago

Hi, You just need to use one of the built in option in this directive, it`s written here in github:

For initialization carousel after data is loaded use init-onload property. Example:

<slick init-onload=true data="awesomeThings">

so, just write the correct name of your scope in data attribute.