vatesfr / terraform-provider-xenorchestra

Xen Orchestra provider for Terraform
MIT License
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high_availability Attribute #201

Closed whzzz28 closed 2 years ago

whzzz28 commented 2 years ago


Is there any examples of use of high_availability option that are known to work? Below is a sample resource I have been toying with, and terraform does not complain while applying, however in Xen Orchestra the VM created has a HA value of "Disabled". I believe i may be using this argument wrong. I also tried best-effort, with the same results. I was unable to find an example configuration with this argument.

resource "xenorchestra_vm" "testhost" { cpus = 4 memory_max = 589934592 cloud_config = xenorchestra_cloud_config.testhost.template name_label = "testhost" name_description = "A test" high_availability: "restart"

... }

Also reporting a typo on the terraform documentation site: high_availabililty is spelt wrong.


ddelnano commented 2 years ago

@whzzz28 the acceptance tests used for verifying the providers functionality are a good source of examples that are well tested. This example in particular ensures that the high availability field is changed from the default to restart.

Can you confirm that high availability argument is using a colon and not an equals sign (as seen below)? That is not the correct way to supply arguments to a resource.

high_availability: "restart"

Please reproduce the issue while terraform is running in debug mode (TF_LOG=debug terraform apply) and provide the output on this issue so I can investigate what is happening.

whzzz28 commented 2 years ago

Hi, Apply throws an error when using a colon. Below is a copy of the output with debug set:

[n105659@xxx tf_working]$ TF_LOG=debug terraform apply
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [INFO]  Terraform version: 1.2.1
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] using v1.0.0
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] using v2.12.0
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] using v0.0.0-20210209133302-4fd17a0faac2
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] using v0.0.0-20200729002733-f050f53b9734
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] using v1.10.0
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [INFO]  Go runtime version: go1.18.1
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [INFO]  CLI args: []string{"terraform", "apply"}
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /home/n105659/.terraformrc
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory terraform.d/plugins
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/n105659/.terraform.d/plugins
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/n105659/.local/share/terraform/plugins
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /usr/local/share/terraform/plugins
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /usr/share/terraform/plugins
2022-06-08T10:34:58.504+1000 [INFO]  CLI command args: []string{"apply"}
│ Error: Argument or block definition required
│   on line 125, in resource "xenorchestra_vm" "test01":
│  125:     high_availability: "restart"
│ An argument or block definition is required here. To set an argument, use the equals sign "=" to introduce the argument value.

Here is a copy of the xenorchestra_vm configuration that was used:

    memory_max = 8589934592
    cpus = 4
    cloud_config = xenorchestra_cloud_config.test01.template
    name_label = "test01.xxxxxx"
    name_description = "test01"
    template =
    high_availability: "restart"

Software versions: Terraform 1.2.1 Xenorchestra provider 0.23.0

Removing the high_availability argument allows the plan to proceed and it successfully builds the VM.


ddelnano commented 2 years ago

@whzzz28 please correct the syntax error and run that test again. You should use the following:

  high_availability = "restart"
whzzz28 commented 2 years ago

Sorry - typo in the first post. It was set to

 high_availability = "restart"

I tried:

 high_availability: "restart"

Which did not work. When using equals, it creates the VM, but Xen Orchestra showing HA: "Disabled"

Debug logs show this:

2022-06-08T13:44:54.342+1000 [WARN]  Provider "provider[\"\"]" produced an unexpected new value for xenorchestra_vm.cladevcma01, but we are tolerating it because it is using the legacy plugin SDK.
    The following problems may be the cause of any confusing errors from downstream operations:
      - .affinity_host: was null, but now cty.StringVal("")
      - .resource_set: was null, but now cty.StringVal("")
      - .high_availability: was cty.StringVal("restart"), but now cty.StringVal("")
      - .disk[0].name_description: was null, but now cty.StringVal("")
      - .disk[0].attached: was null, but now cty.True
      - .network[0].attached: was null, but now cty.True
      - .network[1].attached: was null, but now cty.True
      - .network[2].attached: was null, but now cty.True
      - .network[3].attached: was null, but now cty.True
xenorchestra_vm.cladevcma01: Creation complete after 6s [id=64e12c98-8e1a-b862-720d-1c05b723df2e]
2022-06-08T13:44:54.345+1000 [DEBUG] provider.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"
2022-06-08T13:44:54.346+1000 [DEBUG] provider: plugin process exited: path=.terraform/providers/ pid=11274
2022-06-08T13:44:54.346+1000 [DEBUG] provider: plugin exited

Apply complete! Resources: 2 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

Some reason it is changing the string to ""

high_availability: was cty.StringVal("restart"), but now cty.StringVal("")
ddelnano commented 2 years ago

@whzzz28 please join the Discord mentioned in the README so we can debug this further. This back and forth is not a good use of a GitHub issue.

For now I'm going to close this issue. When we discuss this in Discord, we can follow up with a GitHub issues if it's necessary.