vatesfr / terraform-provider-xenorchestra

Xen Orchestra provider for Terraform
MIT License
150 stars 33 forks source link

Cannot cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type bool on Cloud Config #207

Closed jbolthouse closed 1 year ago

jbolthouse commented 1 year ago

Following the guidance in the docs, I attempted to pass a cloud config as a part of initializing a VM and have run aground a Go error: Creating...
│ Error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type bool
│   with,
│   on line 32, in resource "xenorchestra_cloud_config" "bar":
│   32: resource "xenorchestra_cloud_config" "bar" {

I have tried various forms of the cloud config and tried the last few releases of this provider and am seeing it happening consistently. Here is my config, with privacy redactions.

I have also tried both loading the cloud config from file and inserting it as you see below. I have also tried only passing hostname as the cloud config, in case any of the parameters were causing the issue.

Terraform validates the config, and I have verified that the connection to our XO is solid.

I dug around in the code for a bit to try to find the offending line, but I can't seem to make the location/stack emit with: export TF_LOG=TRACE && export TF_LOG_PATH=$(pwd)/err.log && terraform apply -- Is there a way to trace back??

Also -- the nmcli config is there only because I failed to notice that a network config could be passed as well, and I hadn't changed that yet. It was a desperate attempt to get everything working in one config.

$ terraform --version
Terraform v1.2.5
on linux_amd64
+ provider v0.23.2
terraform {
  required_providers {
    xenorchestra = {
      source  = "terra-farm/xenorchestra"
      version = "0.23.2"

# Configure the XenServer Provider
provider "xenorchestra" {
  # Must be ws or wss
  url      = "REDACTED"             # Or set XOA_URL environment variable
  username = "REDACTED"                 # Or set XOA_USER environment variable
  password = "REDACTED" # Or set XOA_PASSWORD environment variable
  insecure = false                            # Or set XOA_INSECURE environment variable to any value

# Content of the terraform files
data "xenorchestra_pool" "pool" {
  name_label = "Dell-Pool"

data "xenorchestra_template" "template" {
  name_label = "Rocky 8.5 Cloud Ready_2022-07-21T22:51:17.898Z"

data "xenorchestra_network" "net" {
  name_label = "VLAN 2287 Login OpenNMS"

resource "xenorchestra_cloud_config" "bar" {
  name = "New Cloud Config Name"
  template = <<EOF
  - default
  - name: swarm
    shell: /bin/bash
      - ssh-rsa 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
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.addresses,]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.gateway,]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.dns,]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.method, manual]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, up, "System eth0"]

resource "xenorchestra_vm" "bar" {
  memory_max = 1073733632
  cpus       = 2

  cloud_config     =
  name_label       = "Swarm1"
  name_description = "Swarm1 Descr"
  template         =
  network {
    network_id =
  disk {
    sr_id      = "ea90dea1-99ab-c218-72b4-93abc5abebbe"
    name_label = "Swarm1 HDD"
    size       = 21474836480
  // Override the default create timeout from 5 mins to 20.
  timeouts {
    create = "20m"

Here are the errata from the log which may be pertinent:

2022-07-26T02:01:50.113Z [WARN]  Provider "" produced an invalid plan for, but we are tolerating it because it is using the legacy plugin SDK.
    The following problems may be the cause of any confusing errors from downstream operations:
      - .videoram: planned value cty.NumberIntVal(8) for a non-computed attribute
      - .cpu_weight: planned value cty.NumberIntVal(0) for a non-computed attribute
      - .start_delay: planned value cty.NumberIntVal(0) for a non-computed attribute
      - .auto_poweron: planned value cty.False for a non-computed attribute
      - .wait_for_ip: planned value cty.False for a non-computed attribute
      - .cpu_cap: planned value cty.NumberIntVal(0) for a non-computed attribute
      - .hvm_boot_firmware: planned value cty.StringVal("bios") for a non-computed attribute
      - .core_os: planned value cty.False for a non-computed attribute
      - .exp_nested_hvm: planned value cty.False for a non-computed attribute
      - .vga: planned value cty.StringVal("std") for a non-computed attribute
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] readDiff: Read Create change from plan for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] readResourceInstanceState: reading state for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] readResourceInstanceState: no state present for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] readDiff: Read Create change from plan for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] vertex " (expand)": visit complete
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] Re-validating config for ""
2022-07-26T02:01:51.344Z [TRACE] GRPCProvider: ValidateResourceConfig
2022-07-26T02:01:51.345Z [TRACE] GRPCProvider: PlanResourceChange
2022-07-26T02:01:51.345Z [TRACE] checkPlannedChange: Verifying that actual change (action Create) matches planned change (action Create)
2022-07-26T02:01:51.345Z [INFO]  Starting apply for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.345Z [DEBUG] applying the planned Create change
2022-07-26T02:01:51.345Z [TRACE] GRPCProvider: ApplyResourceChange
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-xenorchestra_v0.23.2: 2022/07/26 02:01:51 [TRACE] Made rpc call `cloudConfig.create` with params: map[name:New Cloud COnfig Name template:#cloud-config
  - default
  - name: swarm
    shell: /bin/bash
      - ssh-rsa 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
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.addresses,]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.gateway,]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.dns,]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, mod, "System eth0", ipv4.method, manual]
  - [/usr/bin/nmcli, con, up, "System eth0"]
] and received false: result with error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type bool: timestamp=2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] maybeTainted: encountered an error during creation, so it is now marked as tainted
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] NodeAbstractResouceInstance.writeResourceInstanceState to workingState for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] NodeAbstractResouceInstance.writeResourceInstanceState: removing state object for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] evalApplyProvisioners: is tainted, so skipping provisioning
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] maybeTainted: was already tainted, so nothing to do
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] NodeAbstractResouceInstance.writeResourceInstanceState to workingState for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] NodeAbstractResouceInstance.writeResourceInstanceState: removing state object for
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: not making a backup, because the new snapshot is identical to the old
2022-07-26T02:01:51.354Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: no state changes since last snapshot
2022-07-26T02:01:51.355Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: writing snapshot at terraform.tfstate
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [ERROR] vertex "" error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type bool
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] vertex "": visit complete, with errors
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] dag/walk: upstream of "" errored, so skipping
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] dag/walk: upstream of "provider[\"\"] (close)" errored, so skipping
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] dag/walk: upstream of "root" errored, so skipping
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: not making a backup, because the new snapshot is identical to the old
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: no state changes since last snapshot
2022-07-26T02:01:51.495Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: writing snapshot at terraform.tfstate
2022-07-26T02:01:51.499Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: removing lock metadata file
2022-07-26T02:01:51.499Z [TRACE] statemgr.Filesystem: unlocking terraform.tfstate using fcntl flock
2022-07-26T02:01:51.499Z [DEBUG] provider.stdio: received EOF, stopping recv loop: err="rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"
2022-07-26T02:01:51.500Z [DEBUG] provider: plugin process exited: path=.terraform/providers/ pid=79259
2022-07-26T02:01:51.500Z [DEBUG] provider: plugin exited
4censord commented 1 year ago

This has already been fixed in #206, but there has not been a release since.

Until that is released, you can

Duplicate of #204

@ddelnano Can we do a release soon?

ddelnano commented 1 year ago

@4censord thanks for linking the previous issue. I'm trying to get a release out today or tomorrow.

jbolthouse commented 1 year ago

Sorry I didn't make the connnection between these. Makes sense now.

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 9:01 AM Dom Del Nano @.***> wrote:

@4censord thanks for linking the previous issue. I'm trying to get a release out today or tomorrow.

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-- John Bolthouse May all our earnest efforts to accomplish anything find themselves seasoned with salt.

ddelnano commented 1 year ago

This will be fixed in v0.23.3 which will be released within the next hour.