vatesfr / terraform-provider-xenorchestra

Xen Orchestra provider for Terraform
MIT License
150 stars 32 forks source link

Improve jsonrpc error handling #42

Closed ddelnano closed 4 years ago

ddelnano commented 4 years ago

The jsonrpc library that this project uses handles errors from the jsonrpc payload out of the box. Unfortunately this swallows a useful information that would make the user experience better. Here is an example of where the extra information would be useful.

While testing out #41 I intentionally supplied an invalid value for the high_availability attribute by running the following code.

data "xenorchestra_template" "template" {
    name_label = "Puppet agent - Bionic 18.04 - 1"

data "xenorchestra_pif" "pif" {
    device = "eth1"
    vlan = -1

resource "xenorchestra_vm" "bar" {
    memory_max = 256000000
    cpus  = 1
    cloud_config = "${}"
    name_label = "Terraform test"
    template = "${}"
    high_availability = "does not exist"

    network {
        network_id = "${}"

    disk {
      sr_id = "7f469400-4a2b-5624-cf62-61e522e50ea1"
      name_label = "Ubuntu Bionic Beaver 18.04_imavo"
      size = 10000000000

This failed to apply for the following reason.

    testing.go:569: Step 1 error: errors during apply:

        Error: jsonrpc2: code 10 message: invalid parameters

          on /tmp/tf-test348309895/ line 16:
          (source code not available)

Unfortunately this doesn't tell the user what parameter was invalid. In this case I only knew it was the high_availability field because I intentionally caused the problem.

I tcpdump'ed the traffic while causing this error so that I could see the response data. We see in the output below that the response data does include which field was problematic.

$ sudo tcpdump -Xnnvvs0  port 80 and host
tcpdump: listening on enp3s0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
23:08:47.751344 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 8500, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 311) > Flags [P.], cksum 0xbca8 (correct), seq 351:610, ack 526, win 252, options [nop,nop,TS val 683289132 ecr 827540563], length 259: HTTP
        0x0000:  4500 0137 2134 4000 4006 e5e7 c0a8 5856  E..7!4@.@.....XV
        0x0010:  c0a8 58fe 0050 a2f8 d82b 0c75 27e9 d55b  ..X..P...+.u'..[
        0x0020:  8018 00fc bca8 0000 0101 080a 28ba 2a2c  ............(.*,
        0x0030:  3153 4453 817e 00ff 7b22 6a73 6f6e 7270  1SDS.~..{"jsonrp
        0x0040:  6322 3a22 322e 3022 2c22 6964 223a 2d39  c":"2.0","id":-9
        0x0050:  3030 3731 3939 3235 3437 3430 3939 302c  007199254740990,
        0x0060:  2265 7272 6f72 223a 7b22 6d65 7373 6167  "error":{"messag
        0x0070:  6522 3a22 696e 7661 6c69 6420 7061 7261  e":"invalid.para
        0x0080:  6d65 7465 7273 222c 2263 6f64 6522 3a31  meters","code":1
        0x0090:  302c 2264 6174 6122 3a7b 2265 7272 6f72  0,"data":{"error
        0x00a0:  7322 3a5b 7b22 636f 6465 223a 6e75 6c6c  s":[{"code":null
        0x00b0:  2c22 7265 6173 6f6e 223a 2270 6174 7465  ,"reason":"patte
        0x00c0:  726e 222c 226d 6573 7361 6765 223a 226d  rn","message":"m
        0x00d0:  7573 7420 6d61 7463 6820 5b2f 5e28 6265  ust.match.[/^(be
        0x00e0:  7374 2d65 6666 6f72 747c 7265 7374 6172  st-effort|restar
        0x00f0:  747c 2924 2f5d 2c20 6275 7420 6973 2065  t|)$/],
        0x0100:  7175 616c 2074 6f20 5c22 7465 7374 5c22\"test\"
        0x0110:  222c 2270 726f 7065 7274 7922 3a22 402e  ","property":"@.
        0x0120:  6869 6768 5f61 7661 696c 6162 696c 6974  high_availabilit
        0x0130:  7922 7d5d 7d7d 7d                        y"}]}}}

Here is the data cleaned up to show what the json response was


We need to make sure this information is reported in the terraform error output so simple fixes like this are obvious to the end user.

ddelnano commented 4 years ago

This was addressed in #43