vatesfr / xen-orchestra

The global orchestration solution to manage and backup XCP-ng and XenServer.
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Enterprise With DR Licensing #4144

Closed prowebuk closed 5 years ago

prowebuk commented 5 years ago


Firstly great product, delta backups are so fast after the initial seeding.

Will definitely be signing up for Enterprise as soon as my trial ends but would also like file restore and DR as I have that with UEB but Premium is a little pricey for me as I don't need all of the extra features so have you considered offering the ability to cherry pick Premium features at a cost above the Enterprise version or even an Enterprise with DR license?

Many thanks


olivierlambert commented 5 years ago


To keep our pricing simple as possible, we don't do feature cherry picking. However, I suggest you contact us using our live chat on if you want to discuss that more in details.