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xo:perf blocked #441

Closed rnr18 closed 8 years ago

rnr18 commented 8 years ago

Hello, please help me out with this issue: After installing xo-server, I get this output

:~/xo-server$ node bin/xo-server

app-conf /home/xenorchestra/xo-server/.xo-server.yaml +0ms

xo:main Configuration loaded. +16ms

[Warn] Web server could not listen on http://localhost:80

[Warn] Access denied.

[Warn] Ports < 1024 are often reserved to privileges users.

xo:perf blocked for 30ms +76ms

xo:perf blocked for 188ms +288ms

xo:perf blocked for 12ms +20m

I used sudo before npm start so its permitted to listen on port 80. I'm not a linux expert.

on my browser, after login it displays "cannot GET \"

olivierlambert commented 8 years ago


Your issue has nothing to do with the notice xo:perf blocked. The error is here:

[Warn] Web server could not listen on http://localhost:80
[Warn] Access denied.
[Warn] Ports < 1024 are often reserved to privileges users.

You configured xo-server to start with a non-privileged user on a port <1024, which is forbidden.


rnr18 commented 8 years ago

with root privileges I get the same output

root@xenorchestra:/home/xenorchestra/xo-server# npm start

xo-server@4.7.0 start /home/xenorchestra/xo-server node bin/xo-server

app-conf /home/xenorchestra/xo-server/.xo-server.yaml +0ms xo:main Configuration loaded. +17ms xo:main Web server listening on http://[::]:80 +17ms xo:perf blocked for 35ms +64ms xo:perf blocked for 162ms +263ms

How do I change the port for server to listen?

olivierlambert commented 8 years ago

No, you don't get the same output: this time, the service is started (Web server listening). Now it's listening to the port 80 and it works.

Now, you have another problem: is your config file have the correct path to the dist folder of xo-web? Is there a dist folder in xo-web?

edit: you can change the port in the config file. But everything is described in the documentation, take time to read it:

rnr18 commented 8 years ago

Thanks Olivier. I was editing the sample config file instead of the hidden .xo-server.yaml file. XOA works perfectly fine. Thanks once again

olivierlambert commented 8 years ago

You are welcome :) Enjoy XO!