vaticle / typedb-driver

TypeDB Drivers for Rust, Python, Java, Node.js, C, C++, and C#.
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Specify python interpreter when installing pip dependencies for CI #656

Open krishnangovindraj opened 1 month ago

krishnangovindraj commented 1 month ago

Usage and product changes

We now specify the python interpreter when installing pip dependencies for CI. This allows us to ensure the dependencies are installed for the specified toolchain.


Introduce a python_interpreter_symlink repository which resolves toolchain based on information from repository_context.os. The symlink for the right version can then be passed to pip_parse as the python_interpreter_target argument.

vaticle-bot commented 1 month ago

PR Review Checklist

Do not edit the content of this comment. The PR reviewer should simply update this comment by ticking each review item below, as they get completed.

Trivial Change

