vaticle / typedb-driver

TypeDB Drivers for Rust, Python, Java, Node.js, C, C++, and C#.
Apache License 2.0
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Fix aspect_bazel_lib dependency, update typedb and nodejs dependencies #658

Closed farost closed 2 weeks ago

farost commented 2 weeks ago

Usage and product changes

  1. We update typedb dependencies to 2.28.3 before the release to verify that the builds are still correct before the driver release.
  2. We update other dependencies that have previously broken the build because of the updated ts (nodejs) rules: dependencies ref with nodejs and csharp rules becoming more mature based on aspect_bazel_lib version globalization; typedb-protocol ref to propagate the fixed ts rules and fix its build based on this propagation.


We use the updated rules fixed in dependencies and also update the code based on the new requirements of the updates ts rules. More details in the comments.

vaticle-bot commented 2 weeks ago

PR Review Checklist

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Trivial Change

