vaticle / typedb-driver

TypeDB Drivers for Rust, Python, Java, Node.js, C, C++, and C#.
Apache License 2.0
30 stars 32 forks source link

Make the author of the NodeJS and Python drivers "TypeDB Community" #668

Closed alexjpwalker closed 4 days ago

alexjpwalker commented 4 days ago

Usage and product changes

The author field of our NodeJS and Python drivers (package.json and PyPi configuration) is now TypeDB Community with the email being


The former labels "Vaticle" and "" are no longer applicable and have been replaced.

vaticle-bot commented 4 days ago

PR Review Checklist

Do not edit the content of this comment. The PR reviewer should simply update this comment by ticking each review item below, as they get completed.

Trivial Change

