vaticle / typedb

TypeDB: the polymorphic database powered by types
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Update entry point runner for better UX #6951

Closed dmitrii-ubskii closed 7 months ago

dmitrii-ubskii commented 7 months ago

Usage and product changes

We update to the updated entry point for the assembled TypeDB Core, which omits console from the usage help if it is not present to avoid confusion. See for more details.

The command to boot up the server (unchanged):

typedb server --server.address=<address>

The command to boot up the console:

typedb console --core=<address>

We also improve the UX of the windows version of the entry point. Console no longer opens in a new window, --help is printed inline as expected, and in the event of the server failure, the logs are displayed to the user. See for more details.

vaticle-bot commented 7 months ago

PR Review Checklist

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Trivial Change

