vaticle / typedb

TypeDB: the polymorphic database powered by types
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Turn off statistics reporting in CI #7068

Closed farost closed 1 month ago

farost commented 1 month ago

Usage and product changes

We turn off the --diagnostics.reporting.statistics in our CI builds not to send non-real diagnostics data.

In version 2.28 and earlier, this flag purely prevents TypeDB from sending any diagnostics data. In the upcoming version 2.28.1, this flag still allows TypeDB to send a single diagnostics snapshot with the information of when the diagnostics data has been turned off, but it happens only after the server runs for 1 hour, so we expect the CI builds not to reach this point and not to send any diagnostics data as well.

vaticle-bot commented 1 month ago

PR Review Checklist

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Trivial Change

