Closed ml0130 closed 1 year ago
It looks like in conjunction with this problem, there's also a desync happening as well.
Any change whats causing has been tracked down?
I can't reproduce this on my current development codebase, so I must have unknowingly fixed it at some point.
When the next version is released (which will be soon), please test and if you're still experiencing this, please re-open this issue.
@justinshannon looks like this problem is still present in B7
Can you upload the vATIS profile?
Edit: saved profile to text file
These NOTAMs are also defined (and checked) in the ARPT COND window.
Yes all notams that are being duplicate are defined and set as active notams. In the NOTAM selection window
What I'm saying is the same NOTAMs area also defined (and checked) in the ARPT COND window, hence the duplicate NOTAMs...
Interesting I don't remember putting then there them there. Guess that will be something that I will need to fix before I get on next.
It seems like with the departure atis NOTAMs are being outputted twice.