vatis-project / vatis

Virtual Automated ATIS Generator for VATSIM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Departure Frequency Option For Next Versions #111

Open gurselalp opened 1 year ago

gurselalp commented 1 year ago


It will be nice to add a feature for departure frequency. It will reduce our workload when it needs to change.

It can be same as transition levels, filter it via the VATSIM callsign and the frequencies from lowest to highest.

justinshannon commented 1 year ago

This would require vATIS to know what frequency to use. How many departure frequency combinations do you have?

The easiest solution here would probably be just to create a separate preset for each departure frequency.

gurselalp commented 1 year ago

Hello, we normally use AIRPORT CONDITIONS for departure frequencies. It would be nice to make it automaticly via inserting the dep frequencies like TL, from bottom to top. We have different frequencies for different situations such as normal ops and event ops (which contains special sectors for the event). Maybe vATIS can search the callsign and match the callsign with frequencies we insert would be nice.

Creating a new present wouldn't be the easiest solution since we have airports with 3 independent runways with combined with paralel ops preset. So it will double the preset count.

It would be nice to make an automation for it aswell but it's a feature request can be consider to add for next updates.

justinshannon commented 1 year ago

We have different frequencies for different situations such as normal ops and event ops (which contains special sectors for the event). Maybe vATIS can search the callsign and match the callsign with frequencies we insert would be nice.

If I'm understanding you correctly, there may be times when multiple departure frequencies are online (for a single airport), and the ATIS should instinctively include these frequencies in the ATIS based on a callsign search for nearby ATC stations? If I were to add such a feature, I'm not really sure how the text and voice should be formatted. Can you provide examples? Can you upload your vATIS profile so I can see how you're currently utilizing AIRPORT CONDITIONS for this?

gurselalp commented 1 year ago


We update the frequency via changing text but it will be cool if it can check automaticly and update the info for the new departure frequency.

Phil7789 commented 1 year ago

Contributing here, but I'm unsure if it is exactly the same what OP needs.


What we have for our minor airports is a set departure frequency in the ATIS (currently via NOTAMS) as pilots are not hand offed by tower to a center controller but have to switch on their own (stated in the charts). Depending if and which center controller is online the frequency may vary. As you can see in the screenshot we currently use one static NOTAM for each possible frequency. What I could imagine would be a second dropdown menu like the preset dropdown which populates a variable that could be used in the atis. To stay with my provided example "Attention! Departure frequency ... is [DEP_FREQ] with DEP_FREQ being a savable text like "UNICOM on ..." "XYZ RADAR on ...". If this has any benefit over the current NOTAMS solution other than splitting NOTAMS and departure frequencies could be discussed.