vatlab / SoS-DataBus

A universal data exchanger among scripting languages
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The SoS Data Exchanger project #1

Open BoPeng opened 6 years ago

BoPeng commented 6 years ago

Separate from vatlab/sos#952 , this ticket keeps discussion on some thoughts on SoS Data Exchanger. The general idea is to use a neutral interface for all languages, with implementation details broken down to various functions that can be added incrementally in time. This is different design from using some intermediate common file formats, say JSON or HDF5, where there will be loss of information and performance issues.

BoPeng commented 6 years ago


The goal is to provide

  1. A universal interface that works for all supported languages
  2. A mechanism to pass data among all supported languages (with a common format)
  3. A mechanism to pass specific types of data between languages that allow efficient data transfer of wide array of data types.

The no-goal of this project

  1. It is not meant to create a "standard universal" data exchange format. There will be none.
  2. It is not meant to convert data in a lossless fashion. It is not possible.
BoPeng commented 6 years ago

I think our life will be much easier if do not aim to provide a persistent file format. That is to say, the generated file is meant to be temporarily and is not guaranteed to be readable by future versions of data exchanger.

gaow commented 6 years ago

But there will always be interface to load it for all languages, right? I guess when the project gets mature and compatibility no longer an issue, then it's good enough to provide such interfaces.

I think our life will be much easier if do not aim to provide a persistent file format.

sounds like you've got concrete ideas of what is going to be the first version of storage format?

BoPeng commented 6 years ago

No, but I believe even the base format will be changed very frequently at least before the project matures, even then addition of one-to-one data exchange will be incompatible. Keep backward compatibility will be very costly and it might be easier to state from the beginning we are aiming at more or less interactive use.