vatlab / codemirror-sos

A codemirror language package for SoS
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Features of sos languages #1

Open BoPeng opened 1 year ago

BoPeng commented 1 year ago

codemirror-sos.ts implements a CodeMirror 5 -style stream highlighter for sos. Since CodeMirror 6 uses a totally different mechanism, we need to write the language module using the new CodeMirror API (see an Example). The new implementation should use a Lezer Parser System. This Lexer guide provides a good starting point, and Grammer Nesting is the key technology we will need to use.

The new parser needs to implement the following features:

  1. Magic (%MAGIC)
  1. Cells with different kernels uses their native syntax highlighter mode (Python and R in the following example)
  1. SoS mode is based on Python
  1. In workflow mode, language switch to R, Python etc after action: specification
  1. expand=True highlights expressions
  1. Different expand delimiters
  1. %expand magic works for SoS and non-SoS code cells

Relevant code:

  1. parser

  1. base_mode should be an option for non-sos cells

  1. find mode for sos actions

  1. Parse %expand and determine left and right sigil

These code snippets are just for reference. It looks like the new language module is based on parser instead of states, which should be much easier to implement.

BoPeng commented 11 months ago

Step 0 (done)

define a codemirror mode which is identical to Python, and use it in jupyterlab-sos.

BoPeng commented 11 months ago
import { pythonLanguage  } from "@codemirror/lang-python"
import { rLanguage } from "codemirror-lang-r"
import { markdownLanguage } from "@codemirror/lang-markdown"
import { javascriptLanguage} from "@codemirror/lang-javascript"

import { StreamLanguage } from "@codemirror/language"
import { ruby } from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/ruby"
import { sas } from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/sas"
import { octave } from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/octave"
import { perl } from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/perl"
import { shell } from "@codemirror/legacy-modes/mode/shell"
import { EditorView } from "@codemirror/view"
import { EditorSelection } from "@codemirror/state"
const defaulAction: ActionLang[] = [
    action: "Python",
    parser: pythonLanguage.parser
    action: "R",
    parser: rLanguage.parser
    action: "Javascript",
    parser: javascriptLanguage.parser
    action: "matlab",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(octave).parser
    action: "octave",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(octave).parser
    action: "ruby",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(ruby).parser
    action: "markdown",
    parser: markdownLanguage.parser
    action: "perl",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(perl).parser
    action: "shell",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(shell).parser
    action: "run",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(shell).parser
    action: "sh",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(shell).parser
    action: "bash",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(shell).parser
    action: "sas",
    parser: StreamLanguage.define(sas).parser
BoPeng commented 11 months ago

Step 1:

In jupyterlab-sos allow

    (cell.inputArea.editorWidget.editor as CodeMirrorEditor).setOption(

It is uncertain

  1. If codemirror side allows options such as parseConf
  2. How to change parseConf dynamically from the jupyterlab side.
BoPeng commented 11 months ago

Step 2

Add support for

  1. %magic
  2. [step ]
  3. Action:

to the base Python mode.

BoPeng commented 11 months ago

Step 3:

Add support for sigil and expansion for Python mode.

BoPeng commented 11 months ago

Step 4:

Add support for language option to choose python/r etc as basemode, and use base mode

BoPeng commented 11 months ago

step 5:

Add support %expand to base model

BoPeng commented 10 months ago

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